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Liam's P.O.V

I was going to see a flat on the outskirts of Doncaster today its Wednesday and I wanted to find a flat and move some stuff in by Saturday I wanted it to be a surprise for Louis but I couldn't help but think what if things didn't work out we aren't even technically dating am I moving too fast am I too pushy. But I went with gut and I knew I wanted to move and why not to Doncaster.

I have been driving for a bit and I am almost at the flat from the photos it looked like a good first time flat for the price. I arrived at the flat and saw the real estate agent leaning against his ca waiting for me.

"Hi, I'm Liam sorry about being late" I smiled a little embarrassed because I was never late.

"Oh hello Liam its fine I only just got here I am Josh" he held out his hand for me to shake I did so he seemed like a nice lad he wasn't too much older than me.

"You're the first person to look at this place it only went up last night" Josh said.

"Yeah I am eager to move out here" I explained.

"Right where are you coming from?" he asked opening the door to the flat.

"Wolverhampton" I answered following behind him as he entered the flat.

"Nice area, what made you choose to look at places around here?" he asked closing the door behind me.

"Someone" I answered simply.

He smiled at me leading me in my jaw dropped this place was beautiful the pictures definitely did not look this good. Josh lead me through all of the rooms it was amazing.

"So are you interested?" Josh asked.

"Definitely" I relied.

"Good because the owners are eager to rent it out as soon as possible so I am sure I can maybe get the price down for you" He said grabbing his phone out.

"You really don't have to" I said.

"Look Liam you seem like a really good lad and I would hope to see more of you but I don't think I will if you're all thy way out in Wolverhampton" He smiled I thanked him as he called the owners.

I walked around the flat one more time waiting for Josh to get off the phone with the owners.

"Liam" Josh called out.

"Yeah" I replied walking towards him.

"I got the price down for you and they would love it if you could move in by Friday" He said handing me the paperwork.

"That sounds perfect" I said signing the paperwork passing it back to Josh.

"Look if you ever need a friend around the area just let me know call me up anytime" Josh said passing me a piece of paper with his phone number on it.

"Thanks Josh I feel like we will be seeing a lot of each other" I smiled putting his number in my pocket making a metal note to put it in my phone later.

"Yeah hopefully" he smiled.

"Well I will see you soon" Josh said handing me the keys.

"Bye" I said getting into my car.

My phone vibrated in my pocket I grabbed it out to see it was a text from Louis.

Louis: I wish you were here xx

I bit my lip thinking about going to visit him.

Liam: Where are you now? Xx

Louis: At the park we met xx

Liam: By yourself? Xx

Louis: Yeah I miss you Li xx

Liam: I miss you too lou xx

I made up my mind I was definitely going to go surprise him.

Finally I updated I know I am terrible but I am trying to get back on track I have a lot of exams and stuff but I would be definitely more motivated if you voted and commented what you thought.

Unknown Number - Lilo Paynlinson (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora