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liam: how was your sleep babe ? :)

louis: it was good thanks

liam: welcome love so where abouts are you from?

louis: I don't think I should be giving out personal information like that I mean idek what you look like :/

liam: new picture message!!
that's me :p

louis: yeah sure like that's really you I need proof write my name and hold it in a selfie

liam: alright but if I do you have to send me a pic of you

louis: alright deal

liam: new picture message!!
see its really me

louis: omg you're real alright sorry for my ugly face lol

louis: new picture message!!

liam: omfg you're so hot ahh I think I just drooled on my phone ;)

louis: lol no

liam: umm yes

liam: anyway back to where you are from !!

louis: I'm from Doncaster u?

liam: I'm from Wolverhampton :)

louis: only 2 hours away haha

liam: that's not even far

louis: mehh not that it matters right

liam: umm

louis: so...

liam: are you gay?

louis: just a bit straight forward or not hahah

louis: but yes I am hbu?

liam: I'm gay so...

louis: whatever floats your potato

louis: anyways I have to go out to dinner I'll txt you l8r

liam: bye have fun x

don't even know where This is gonna go but we will see don't want it to be heaps short so regular updates probably yay

Unknown Number - Lilo Paynlinson (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora