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Louis' P.O.V

I couldn't help but smile knowing i was with Liam he is so sweet better than i could have imagined but he is only visiting is all i could think i looked down at m feet with a from plastered on my face.

"What's up" Liam asked with a smile on his face while he went back to eating his food he was so cute.

"Nothing" i answered picking at my food.

"Louis i know something is up just tell me i wont judge" he replied grabbing my hand and rubbing it comfortingly.

"Its just you're probably going to just leave tonight and i feel like we aren't going to see each other ever again" i said looking down embarrassed.

"Lou I swear even when i do leave we will see each other again i tried booking a hotel for tonight but they are all booked out so i might have to sleep in my car or go home" He said shrugging.

"Liam you know that you can stay at mine but we would have to share a bed because we don't have a guest room" I said to him, he instantly lit up.

"Really that's amazing i mean i don't mind sharing if you're okay with i could always sleep on the floor oh my gosh I'm rambling again" i just chuckled at him.

"You're too cute anyway you are definitely not sleeping on the floor i have a double bed so it will be fine" I said.

We finished our food and then walked back to the park and we drove back to my house when we go to my house Liam took his shoes off at the door as i walked in with mine still on chuckling at how sweet he is he followed me up the stairs and into my room i sat down on my bed and he sat beside me twiddling his thumbs.

"Sooo" I said awkwardly.

"Uh wheres your family" he asked.

"They are gone on a last minute holiday" I said smiling.

"Oh why didn't you go with them" he asked confused expression spread across his face.

"Because i was supposed to meet up with this really cute guy that i had been wanting to meet for while when we were supposed to leave" I admitted he just smiled at me. "He was really nice oh and then i met up with you" I said as seriously as i could. his face immediatly fell and he stood up and picked up his jacket.

"Uh cool Louis i think i need to go" he said sadly, i just bursted out laughing he looked at me with a cofused face once again.

"Liam i was kidding i was talking about you" he turned bright red and sat back down next to me blushing.

holy wow guys this book has 4k reads and your comments are just amazing sorry for being inactive and not updating just been busy with my half yearly tests and all anyway thanks guys for reading as usual please

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