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Liam's P.O.V

I talked to all the publishing companies that contacted me and I told them that each of them had all asked to publish my work they all seemed quite keen and have given me some offers at the moment I was favoured to one company they have told me that whatever that I want published they will publish it and they are only going to take twenty percent of the profits which was really good compared to the other companies.

I feel the bed dip beside me and I looked up to see Louis smiling at me he slid closer grabbing a hold of one of my hands playing with my fingers.

"What are you doing?" He asked continuing to play with my fingers.

"I'm just thinking about which publishing company to go with" I said honestly.

"Don't worry too much you have plenty of time to think about it" He said.

"Yeah I know" I replied.

"How did you get this scar?" He asked pointing to the scar on my finger it was usually not noticeable but since he was inspecting my fingers he could clearly see it.

"I got in a fight at school once and the kid bit my finger and yeah" I chuckled at the memory.

"How old were you when this happened?" He asked looking up at me smiling.

"I was just minding my own business as usual I think I was reading a book in the lunch hall and tis kid came up to me and was just annoying me and bullying me and I couldn't tolerate it anymore and I punched him and held him in a death grip and h bit my finger people recorded it and posted it on facebook it got a lot of likes but yeah whatever" I told him the story only briefly remembering it myself.

"How long ago was this?" he asked while chuckling.

"I think it was early last year" I shrugged.

"Only last year" Louis said raising his eyebrow I nodded and he just laughed placing a kiss to my cheek. "I love you" He said cuddling into my sides.

"I love you too" I said kissing the top of his head smiling to myself.

"Liam why don't we talk about your family ever?" Louis asked furrowing his brows I bit my lip looking straight in front of me.

"Don't know" I said shrugging he looked up at not speaking just grabbing a hold of my face and pulling my face down placing my lips on his.

He pulled away smiling at me how was I so lucky to get him he loved me and I loved him everything was picture perfect and I was the happiest I had ever been life couldn't be more perfect.

Really short update sorry for not updating lately I have been extremely busy hopefully I will updated again very soon.

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