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louis: hey I'm back :p

liam: heyyyy ;)

louis: let's play 20 questions I barely know anything about you

liam: alright you ask first

louis: ok what's your middle name?

liam: it's james

louis: cute now you ask me something?

liam: what do you like to do ?

louis: well im captain of my
football team so I guess you could say I enjoy football

liam: mm i like athletes

louis: k cool, how old are you?

liam: I'm 17 and you ?

louis: I'm 18 ;)

liam: ohh I see we should Skype sometime

louis: we will see

liam: playing hard to get I see

louis: no just worried that you actually could be a pedo

liam: but I did that photo thing

louis: Photoshop duhh

liam: well I assure you It is me and that I suck at photoshop

louis: whatever I wish there was an eyeroll emoji

liam: well there isn't so ha

louis: mhm

liam: im gonna go to the gym I will message you later alright

louis: yeah whatever bye

liam: bye babe ;) x

Unknown Number - Lilo Paynlinson (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora