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Louis' P.O.V

Me and Liam were cuddled up in bed as usual we were just asking each other random questions about anything and everything.

"So if you could be any celebrity who would you be?" I asked Liam looked off into the distance it looked like it was the hardest question anyone had ever asked him.

"Probably Michael Clifford" He answered with confidence.

"And why is that?" I asked I was quite intrigued by is answer.

"Well first off he has a lot of talent and he seems really down to earth and a heaps cool dude and he can pull off any colour hair and yeah" He said simply as he stared at the ceiling.

"Fair enough what is your dream job?" I questioned he bit his lip looking a bit frustrated.

"I know it will never happen but probably an author" He looked at me waiting for my reaction I smiled at him.

"Have you written anything?" I asked.

"Yeah" He confirmed.

"Can I read anything?" I asked he sighed and in knew that this was something private in his life and I would understand if he didn't want me to read it.

"Not what I am currently writing but I might have something you can read on my laptop" He said while leaning over reaching for his laptop before pulling it onto his lap.

He went searching through all his files he had so many there was one folder he didn't even dare to look in he just immediately scrolled past it was called My Boy I didn't question him I just waited for him to find something for me to read.

He kept scrolling for a few minutes before he stopped on a file clicking it and smiling he turned to me passing his laptop over I gladly took the laptop looking at the document.

"This is a book I wrote last year it's not too long but it might take you a little while to read" He blushed getting u and walking away.

I let him walk away while I sat there staring at the screen I settled into a comfortable position and started to read.


A few hours later I looked up from the laptop tears falling from my eyes it was rare for me to cry over something like a book or a movie but this book was beautiful and I couldn't even stop myself from crying. I placed the laptop down on the bed beside me and I stood up and walked out into the lounge seeing Liam sitting there looking down at his hands.

He looked up at me and he focused on my face as the tears continued to fall.

"I'm guessing you finished it then" He declared.

"Yes, Liam that was the most beautiful thing I have ever read have you ever talked to a publishing agency or sent it to be looked at or something because honestly you have so much talent and I would hate it to go to waste" I blabbered on wiping the tears from my face.

"I never really thought about it do you really think I should?" He said full of doubt.

"Yes Li I really think you should" I said soothingly. "Just one thing if you ever become a famous author please don't forget about me" I chuckled.

"Yeah like I would ever forget you" He paused. "You mean the world to me" He whispered I sat down beside him bringing our faces close together and I slowly moved our noses together.

"You mean the world to me too" I said. "I love you" I said pecking his lips.

"I love you too more than anything" He replied we stayed like that our faces together for who knows how long just appreciating each other.

Another update this one is a lot fluffier than the last haha.

What's your dream job?

I think I want to be an author but idk.

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