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Liam's P.O.V

It's been alright with Louis for the past few days although he has been acting weird but I don't want to question him because I know that he still is a bit mad at me and I don't want to risk having another fight.

I was scrolling through my twitter feed looking at nothing just trying to pass the time until I felt my phone vibrate and a banner came across the top of my phone signalling that I had a message my eyes quickly went up to the banner seeing it was a message from Louis and I clicked it immediately.

Louis: We need to talk.

My heart dropped it couldn't be good he didn't add any ex.'s like usual and something seemed off with him I felt anxious and sick to my stomach to what he would want to talk about.

Liam: Ok when do you want to talk? X

Louis: Are you busy right now?

Liam: Yeah x

Louis: Are you at the flat?

I loved how he referred to my house as the flat because he knew it was pretty much his as well not just mine.

Liam: Yes x

Louis: I will be over soon x

He sent an x with that last message it made me smile and feel a bit more anxious about everything.

Liam: Ok x

I tried to stay calm trying to pass the time as I waited for Louis to come over but I just ended up sitting on the lounge and looking off into the distance getting lost in my head thinking about all the situations that could happen when Louis gets here I don't know how long I was sitting there but next thing I know I am being drawn out of my thoughts by the sound of a door opening and closing then felt someone sit beside me.

I turned to see Lou beside me he was smiling softly I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing but I melted as usual when I see his gorgeous face I smiled back at him as he grabbed my hand.

"Liam" He said looking up at me from our hands.

"Louis" I replied feeling nauseas because I had no idea what was going to happen.

"I have been thinking a lot and-" he said.

"Louis please don't break up with me I love you please" I interrupted a tear falling from my eye.

"Li I wasn't going to break up with you" He chuckled. "I was actually going to ask you something" He mumbled.

I nodded at him saying continue.

"I wanted to know if I could move in I had a bit of a fight with my parents and I don't really want to be around them it's really stressing me out and that's why I have been a bit weird lately I'm sorry about that but it's really been taking a toll on me" He expressed.

"Of course you can move in" I said pulling him into a hug.

"What have you been fighting with you parents about" I asked he looked up at me with watery eyes.

"Us" he mumbled into my chest.

"What about us?" I asked confused.

"My Mum supports us completely but Troy not so much" he explained I nodded understandingly.

"Is it because he doesn't like the fact you're gay?" I asked.

"Yeah he has always not been the happiest about it" He said.

"Well you don't have to worry you can stay here for as long as you want if that means forever then so be it" I said he chuckled lightly getting up out of my arms.

"I brought all my stuff in my car" He said.

"Did you know I would say yes?" I asked him with cheeky smile.

"No well yes but if you said no I was going to go stay with Niall" he shrugged I just got up and followed him to his car as he opened his trunk and grabbed a few things out I got what he couldn't carry and brought them into my well our bedroom.

sorry i haven't update in a bit i have been a bit busy but im officially on summer break now so expect a lot of updates because hopefully i will  be updating everyday or even twice a day we will have to see.

where abouts are you from?

Im from australia.

Unknown Number - Lilo Paynlinson (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora