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Liam's P.O.V

I started my car as quick as I could making my way to the park that Louis and I met in I tried as well as I could to not go over the speed limit but it was very hard. I had been driving for about 7 minutes and I was just about to pull up at the park.

I opened my car door running into the park going to the park bench we met at I slowed down seeing a head of light brown hair sitting at the bench that we met at I slowly snuck over about to scare him.

I noticed he was wearing headphones looking down at his phone I looked over his shoulder seeing it was a picture of me I had never seen it before but it looked like he had taken secretly not that I minded I found it cute. I heard sighing making me look at him he looked sad.

I walked around the bench sitting all the way on the other side of the bench he hadn't looked up yet I wanted him to notice me I didn't want to make him notice me. He was about to get up grabbing his phone putting it into his pocket.

He looked up and smiled at me sadly walking away until he realised running back and tackling me off the bench onto the ground.

"What the heck Liam" He screamed.

"You glad to see me?" I asked cheekily.

"No of course not" He chuckled cuddling me, he was looked even cuter then when I left.

"Yeah whatever you say" I smiled down at him.

"Why are you here?" He asked confused.

"Oh I'm sorry I'll leave" I smirked.

"You know that's not what I meant meanie" He said pushing me.

"I was here meeting up with a friend" I said technically not lying I mean me and Josh are friends ok I was lying but whatever I wanted it to be a surprise.

"You have friends out here?" he asked.

"Yeah I do" I smirked.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were here" He asked.

"I wanted wait till the weekend to see you but then you messaged me and I couldn't wait and you said you were here and I came as quickly as I could before you left" I explained he just smiled at me.

"How long were you sitting there?" He asked blushing.

"Not too long" I replied he sighed. "Where did you get that photo of me?" his face turned bright red and he nuzzled his head into my chest hiding himself.

"I don't know what you are talking about" he mumbled into my chest.

"Sure sure Lou" I chuckled at him.

"I guess you aren't staying long then" he looked up at me.

"Sadly no "I frowned at him.

"It's ok we will see each other this weekend" He said smiling sadly.

"Yeah we will" I smirked knowing that I would see him a lot after that.

Another update not as long as the last but it's something I think you guys deserved another update make sure you vote and comment it really motivates me and lets me know you actually like this.

Unknown Number - Lilo Paynlinson (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora