chapter 26

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My name is..


My eyes fluttered open softly, so gentle and groggy that the light from the outside forces its way in my sight causing me to force them shut again.


Who am I?

I open my eyes again trying my best but they feel so heavy this time around as though my brain has finally come insync with my eyes. I groan as I began to scan my surroundings.

I rise up but am welcomed by a massive wave of nausea followed by a pounding headache. My brain has fully awaken reaching the rest of my body as well.

My hands are withered and my neck covered in bandages along with my stomach.

I remembered.

I'm Chicorie Watsuna. And I- married a fox... to ... to..." I look around again. Everything was quiet as if frozen by time.

"A fox to save my sister~" the words sound hollow as I touch my stomach once again, rubbing it as I wince in pain.

"My sister." I look down at the sheets.

"What was her name.. Margo. M-a-r-g-o?" Even as I spell it out and write it on my palm my memory is distant. Cloudy.

I pull back the sheets and look at my legs. I slowly swing them over the edge of the bed and watch them dangle.

"My name is.."

I dont feel like myself.

I feel empty.

I get up to stand as my legs give out under me and I fall forward face first. I can't feel my legs but I managed to crawl until I reach the doorway. There I grab the handle of the door and proceed to lift myself once again. Supporting my body on the wall as I carefully move.

How long was I asleep? I managed to aimlessly wonder until I made it to the kitchen. There I practically fell into the sink and drank from the faucet.

"Your awake? How do you feel?" I stopped drinking and look up in the direction of the voice.

It was a man with slicked back raven black hair; handsome, chiseled features and beautiful skin.

I squint for a second as he comes over to me and turns off the water. I take in his features as my memory comes back and my eyes wide.

"K-Kitsune?" He looks down at me and squints brushing hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

He messaged my temple and stares into my eyes.

"Its normal for you to have memory loss. You did go through alot and have been asleep since."

"H-How long have I been out?"

"A couple of weeks"

"Weeks" I repeat as he carries me back to bed and lights a candle.

I didn't notice the purple and black rash on his left arm at first.

"Whats that?" I rise up and he tracks my gaze to his arm.

"The poison, when I sucked it out of you it absorb itself into me. And now it's spreading quickly."

"Your saying it so calmly as though it won't hurt you!?"

He doesn't respond, instead he finishes up and leaves the room.

"The vixens will be in to dress your wounds." With that he disappeared.

I managed to fall back asleep until I wake up to something warm and wet.

I look down to see my stomach wound bleeding and my bandages soaked. It was dark, the candle had ran low. I sit up but it makes the wound worse.

"Hello!?" I can hear my voice bounce off the walls. I shiver as the cold air welcomes me.

I struggle out of bed and look out the window, its daybreak but the window and fields have frosted over.

"What" I whisper as I touch the window. It's cold.

Something isn't right.

It was quite, so quite I could hear small droplets of water coming from a leaking ceiling near the front door.

"Hello?" I stumble as I open the front door. It was heavy which knocked me back as it opened.

It was raining now and hard. I step out but then slip and stumble causing mud to splat all over me.

My vision was blurry but I managed to get up and walk carefully to the main temple. To my surprise the doors were wide open as everyone inside focused on something.

before they could see me I saw what it was they were surrounding. It was Kitsune lying on the floor coughing up a substance.

"Mistress, Mistress! The young master is sick and can't protect the temple." The small foxes began as they see my half dead appearance. The blood and mud dripping on the floor in small amounts. The foxes crowd around me. And I stumble a bit.

In height of all the commotion I had forgotten I was walking better then earlier but not great as I'm reminded in this moment.

"Mistress, your hurt." There faces were twisted into a hurt expression.

"I'm okay, what's wrong with him?" I ask walking over to him.

Kitsune is getting worse as his skin becomes pale and he begins to squirm around.

"Hes sick, his condition was made worse by the poison. He always had moments like this but this one we've never seen."

"Well we gotta get him out of here and to his bed." I grab him but they all stop me.

"You are in no condition yourself! What must you be thinking?!" The toad says stepping in front of me along with Fairhid.

I can feel him slipping as my feet give out and I collapse.

I hear a light thud as I turn, a white fox is all I see on the ground next to me.

"Hes changed?" I say staring at the white fox with red and blue markings.

"That's not good, he's getting weaker, weak enough to not sustain his human form. Before long he'll go through every phase of the fox cycle until he is in his god form." I look up to see togi joining us.

I began to feel queasy as the room around me spins and goes black.

Not knowing togi was eying me intensely as I slept.

At some point they had carried kitsune and I back to his room.

"What an interesting child."

"What is it Sir Togi?" Said the toad.

"This child, has a wound and yet she hasn't bled out, she healed herself. And as she holds the master she is healing him aswell." Togi explained.

Kitsune: Bride Of The Nine Tailed Fox- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now