H.E.I.P. Heist

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So, I know I said I was going to take a break for a week for my birthday and a AP test but it's been a month. Well, in that time finals got moved up a week early, I graduated highschool (including walking), had freshman orientation for college, and got and started a job.
To make up for it though, this is the longest chapter I've written. I was constantly watching and rewatching parts of the episodes of the heist to write it.
I wanted to get this chapter right (especially the ending) because it was one of the original ideas I had when I first started writing.
End AN.

"Wait a minute, let me get this straight," Impulse sat resting his elbows on the meeting table in the resistance base while pinching the brink of his nose. "You guys sold all our mycelium to the H.E.P. then you decided to give the diamonds back to the semi-own part of the shopping district so you can cover it with mycelium and you're now just realizing that you don't have any mycelium to do it with."

Grian and Etho looked at each other and refused to meet Impulse's eyes. "Well," Etho started, breaking the short moment of silence, "when you say it like that, it does sound kind of bad."

"I believe I left out the part that we are going to break in to steal the mycelium that they fairly got from us."

"Well, the other day I heard Cub and Tango talking about giving us a key card so we can enter the building easier so I do not think we are not, not allowed in?" Grian responded. Both sides know that the other side will try to get into their base and have been almost encouraging it. 

"So we have a key card?" Impulse asked.


"Then how are we supposed to get in?"

 Grian grabbed his rockets and rushed over to the water elevator. "We'll figure it out when we get there." Grian stepped into the water elevator and got launched up into the ocean. He launched himself out of the water towards the large factory on the man-made island. 

"Should we wait for more resistance members before we try to infiltrate their base," Etho asked, landing a minute after Grian.

"Ren is currently working on his base while XB is at his base. From what I heard the HEIP had finished their base so now would be the best time to go while we know they still have mycelium."

The trio started heading towards the bible elevator before Etho's eyes widened.

"Wait, wait, wait, guys. We probably shouldn't bring our good armor In case something happens to us." Etho reached into his pocket before pulling out a shulker box and placing it. "I got just the perfect uniforms." Etho placed his armor into the shulker box before reaching into his inventory again and pulling out a set of purple, leather armor and throwing two identical sets at Grian and Impulse.

"I also have some totems we can use!" Impulse added, throwing a totem at Grian and Etho.

They sorted their inventories before heading out of the base.

(Line skip)

The group stood in front of the giant factory. For as much as the HEP have been advocating on protecting the "environment", they have some of the most non-environmentally friendly-looking buildings.

"So how are we getting in?" Ethos asked while looking up at the giant door. The door was a bit bigger than Grian was expecting. Not a door that he would want to steal.

Grian looked down to see a floor of barrels under them.

"Maybe we can try putting things into the barrels and see if they open," Grian suggested. He grabbed the two pieces of armor in his inventory and started placing them in random barrels. He placed his purple helmet into one of the barrels and reached back in only to come out empty-handed.

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