Peeta - Nightmares

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A/N: Just a short little imagine that I think is kinda cute lol. If you guys have any requests then you can comment them and I'll try my best to write them for you :)

It had only been a month since you and Peeta had competed in the games. You were now living in the Victor's Village, and while it was an improvement from your old house, you still missed living there.

There were other things you missed too, like not having nightmares every night. You had nightmares about the games, of course, but the nightmare you had most often was the one where you were taken from your family and friends, not knowing if you'd ever see them again.

That fear of not seeing them again wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was knowing how hard it would be for them if they never got to see you again. How you knew they'd cry themselves to sleep every night, how hard it would be for them to not be able to move on, but just to keep moving forward.

When you had these nightmares, you always woke up in a cold sweat. Peeta was used to you waking up in the middle of the night, and he always made sure to sit up and pull you close to him, reassuring you that everything was okay. Telling you that you're safe, that he wouldn't let anything happen to you. These words always did wonders for you in helping you fall back asleep. You usually were able to sleep soundly through the night after that, reassures by his words and the knowledge that Peeta was there, and that if you did wake up during the night again, he would be there to hold you and tell you that everything would be okay and that you were safe.

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