20 - It's The Little Things

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Phil's POV

Dan and I didn't tell Emma exactly where we were going, heck, I didn't even know where we were going. All Emma and I knew was that we would be home by lunchtime.

I turn to Dan sitting in the seat next to me on the train into London, playing a game on his phone.

"So are you going to tell me what we are doing going into London?"

"Um, just shopping really." he answers, not looking up from his phone.

"Anything specific, because it had better be worth waking up before 10am?" confusion spreading throughout me

"Ok, um, I need your help to choose a ring for Emma."

"A-An engagement ring. Your going to propose." shock completely replacing confusion.

"Yeah, we've been together almost a year and a half, and I never want to lose her."

"What made you want to do this." Suddenly intrigued as to how my best friend and my almost little sister got to this point.

"It's the little things really. When we met, her eyes were the first thing I noticed because they wouldn't stay the same color, ha-ha, and when I wake up in the morning I try and guess what colour they'll be. Or, um, when I'm editing, she'll bring me a cup of tea or sit behind me and rub my sholders because I used to complain that my back hurt after editing. Little things like that."

"In that case, I think we should find her the most beautiful ring we can find."

-A few hours later-

"How about this one?" I ask pointing to a diamond ring through the glass case.

"It's perfect. She'll love it." Dan answers as the jeweler grabs the rings from its stand in the display case.

Its a simple single diamond ring. Nothing fancy.

Dan pays and we leave the jewelry store. We are the only people in the carriage on the tube on our journey home so I ask Dan how he will propose.

"I was thinking at a moment that she doesn't expect it. Like we watch at movie and at the really intense part I just straight up ask her. Emma isn't really into big romantic gestures." Dan chuckles, "For Valentines Day, I put on the movie Valentines Day, not once did she go lovey-dovey over the romance. No, we both ended up making fun of the effort that the characters were going into for their partners."

I laugh with Dan. For almost a year and a half Emma had been like a little sister to me. Sure some nights I could hear certain noises through the bedroom wall, but never did she stop being my little sister.

We arrive at the apartment building faster than ever before. I head to the nerd cave while Dan finds Emma to watch a movie. I insert the SD card into the computer to start editing my video, having promised on twitter that I would upload it tomorrow.

Emma's POV

I wake to a rather empty bed. In place of Dan is instead a note.


Gone into the city with Phil, will be home around lunchtime.

Love, Dan XX

I place the note on the bedside table and stretch, feeling the muscles in my back loosen. I grab a set of clothes from my dresser, having bought another one not long after I had moved in so that Dan and I wouldn't have to share his, and head for the bathroom.

The shower sprays cold water over me helping to wake me up properly. Most mornings I tried to avoid coffee as I would finalise my transition into night owl mode. However sleeping with Dan usually ended with us scrolling through Tumblr until it was physically impossible to keep our eyes open, which was around 3am.

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