4 - A Lot Like Love

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Dan's POV

I wake up completely heart broken. I had never told Phil my feelings towards Emma, so of course I hate him for being with her, yet I am happy since he hasn't been able to find a girl since his AmazingPhil channel took off. My mind is a jumbled mess.

I head to the kitchen to find Phil making bacon and eggs. He turns and smils before sliding half of the bacon and eggs onto a plate for me then the rest on a plate for himself. I hurry to making 2 mugs of coffee, caffeine is a neccessity in the morning.

I stay in the kitchen to eat to avoid Phil. It is too early to deal with drama, even though it is almost 11am.

I finish my food quickly, and walk to the bathroom. In the shower my thoughts go again to Emma. I can't believe in less than 2 days she has made Phil the happiest I've seen him since I bought him a Mario Cart game.

Once I am dressed again I decide for Phil's sake I will try to be a good friend with Emma. I check the time, 11.30 am.

I open our front door to see Emma struggling with a large mattress.

I automatically stride over to offer my assistance. She smiles a sweet smile of gratitiude that can melt the polar ice caps. Seriously her smile is the cause of global warming.

 We manuevere the queen sized mattress onto the bed frame and make the bed. We smile with satisfaction. Looking knowingly at each other, we jump onto the bed like little kids on a trampoline.

Suddenly I double jump Emma, causing her to fall onto her back in the middle of the mattress. I hear a loud bang as I realise her head hit the headboard of the bed. I stop jumping and crawl next to her, scooping her into my arms. She laughs as she reaches around to touch the area she hit.

I look into her eyes, for once they decide on a colour, they choose chocolate brown, like mine but darker, almost pure chocolate. She still in my arms, I notice a ringlet of hair loose from her ponytail, she has no straightener so her hair is natural, wavy with loose ringlets every so often. I brush the strand of hair back behind her ear, my hand coming to rest on her neck, my thumb caressing her cheek.

I can't help myself, her lips which always had a rosy pink colour looked so kissable. I lean down and our lips collide. With my arm supporting her, I pull her up so she is almost sitting before it snakes to take hold of the other side of her face. Her arms make their way around my neck, but I don't flinch like I would if someone else touched my neck.

I break the kiss to look into her eyes, they no longer are brown, now a hazel almost blue colour like Phil's. Reality finally hits me. Emma is with Phil, and I just kissed her. I rush out of her bedroom but a hand on my shoulder stops me.

Emma's POV

Dan is kissing me, his hands grabbing hold of my face holding me firm as I move my arms around his neck. I am kissing Danisnotonfire, he had tried to tell me that first night who he was but I already knew. I am surprise he doesn't cringe as my arms touch his neck.

Suddenly he breaks away, looking into my eyes as his widen. Shock. He jumps up from his position on my bed and rushes out of the room. I follow, placing my hand on his shoulder to slow him down. He stops and turns.

"What's wrong. " I ask, scared he will say I am a bad kisser. In all honesty he was the first kiss I ever had. At 18 I had never been kissed.

"You-You're with Phil. You guys are together and I just kissed you."

"No we're not, Phil is like a brother to me. Come on, sit down and I'll explain." I lead Dan to the couch and sit at one end while he sits at the other. I explain the situation, minus the part about my family not loving me.

Dan looks shocked at first, but soon his face turns to intrigue as I divulge my Australian life to him.

When I finish, his lips crash against mine again, there is no passion, it is more loving, like he thought if he did something wrong I would break. When we pull apart I can see the worry in his eyes. He knows I am hiding something, but is too polite to ask.

Phil's POV

Dan left almost 3 hours ago and I am getting worried. I grab my wallet, phone and jacket and leave to go look for him, the idiot leaving his phone on the table. As I close our apartment door I notice Emma's door is open. Feeling protective I open it. I walk down the hallway into the living room to find Emma and Dan kissing on the couch.

I slowly back away with a smirk on my face, Dan has finally found someone and I am glad it was Emma. She is the sweetest, kindest, most down to earth girl I have ever met.

I walk out of the apartment building towards the starbucks across the road to order my usual, mocha with extra foam. I sit in my usual corner hoping she would walk past like she did every Friday, Hannah, the receptionist who works at BBC Radio 1.

She is always at the front desk whenever me and Dan have a radio show. I wish we had more reasons to go to the radio station, mostly just so I can see her beautiful face again.

Her stunningly blue eyes, a hint of green around the edge. Her straight blonde hair that she always seems to have out, reaching her mid back. She is beautiful.

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