51 - Always Be My Baby

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Dan's POV

I grasp Emma's hand as the nurse brings our son, Kieran into the room where Emma was supposed to be resting. Mostly we had been playing card games to pass the time. I had only caught glimpses of Kieran's hand or arm as he stretched in the clear plastic crib inside the observation room where all newborns were housed when not in the room with their parents.

"Here he is." The nurse quietly cheers, her voice going a soft octave higher. She angles her arms slightly, tilting Kieran up so we can see his tiny face. His small hands, covered by the cloth of his jumpsuit, resting near his head.

"He is so beautiful." I remark, watching Emma take him from the nurses arms. "I didn't think he would be so tiny." I run my finger across his knuckles. The soft skin retracts, Kieran's hand opening only to clasp around the end of my finger.

My smile hurts my cheeks. I never knew I could be happier than the day I married Emma, but it comes in at a very close second.

"Are you sure you like the name Kieran? I saw you wrote down James and Colby on that list of names." Emma asks.

I look into her eyes, the hazel-green eyes I fell in love with.

"Kieran Howell. I think it has stuck with him now. He looks like Kieran." I state, turning towards him, still in bewilderment at the fact I have a son.

-- 2 months later (July) --

I lay Kieran gently in his crib in the nursery before turning on the baby monitor for Emma.

"I shouldn't be too long. PJ and Chris wanted to hang out with Jack, Dean and Tom with Phil and I to celebrate Jack and Dean's short film award. I'm just one call away and I'm back here in a second. I mean anything, if Kieran gets a dirty diaper or needs a hug or-" I ramble, my reluctance to leave the happy little man I call my son.

Emma leans against the doorway, pointing down the hallway, my house keys in hand.

"You haven't talked to Phil since we asked him to look after Kieran. You barely leave his side. Now go, and have fun." She retorts, a stern stare looking into my soul. Reluctantly I leave the apartment, meeting Phil on the pavement outside of the building. The warm Summer breeze blows against my bare legs, my trusted black skinny jeans being traded in for a pair of short to combat the heat of the afternoon.

A recent purchase of Carrie's parents as an engagement gift happened to be a car, a new black Vauxhall Corsa, though we all still used trains if we could. I slide into the passenger seat. As I click my seat belt into the clasp, I glimpse at the back seat, Eleanor's car seat set up snuggly in the backseat. Scattered toys litter the floor. We begin speeding away to the bar we had promised to meet the others at.

The drive is somewhat silent save for the soft Fall Out Boy album playing through the speakers. As we approach the bar, which happened to be on the other side of the Thames to where the apartment is, five recognisable figure stand in the dim light illuminating the name of the pub, The Drunk Horseman.

"PJ, I don't want to be a drunk horseman." I joke, once Phil and I reach the group.

"No, this place has the best burgers. I promise you'll have the best time. And after, we have tickets to see, Deadpool 2." Chris answers.

We enter, instantly hit with the smell of seared burger patties and the sharp ping of alcohol as it hit the back of your nose.

Emma's POV

The art kit Dan had gotten me for Christmas sits ominously on the corner of the desk, the butt chair also looking suspiciously towards me. How I hated waking up and seeing those butt cheeks facing me. I contemplate whether to use the remaining page in my art book to draw a portrait of a landscape.

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