24 - Plans

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Emma's POV

The dress shopping hadn't gone completely to plan. I had called my bridesmaids the night before to go shopping today but when we arrived at the bridal shop, the saleswoman was extremely rude when she heard that Dan was a vlogger. Needless to say we walked straight out of the shop.

Rather than trek all across London to browse wedding dresses, we decided to buy a few wedding magazines.

Zoe, Louise, Tanya, Rachael, Kristie and I were all sat in the living room in increasingly bizarre comfort positions. I had asked Tanya to come along, even though she wasn't a bridesmaid, as she was still a close friend. Adrian had gone home while we were, but I promised to text him a picture of the dress I would choose.

I cut a picture of a table centre piece out of one of the magazines and place it in a mixing bowl we were currently using as a container for the magazine clippings.

"How about this dress, it's a simple satin dress with jewel embellishments." asks Zoe, reading the descriptio before holding up the magaine to show the picture of the dress. I nod my head in approval. After being asked over and over for approval on a dress, it had just become easier to nod my head.

"I'm going to get something to eat, do you guys want anything?" I ask, recieving several shaking heads and an extremely Australian "yeah, nah" from Rachael and Kristie.

I head to the kitchen. Carefully stepping over Zoe who was laying on her stomach across a bean bag with her legs propped against the chaise end of the sofa.

"How's it going in there?" Dan asks when I round the corner into the kitchen.

"I have the girls on dress hunting duty.I could use your help with the decoration parts." I answer, grabbing an apple from the fridge.

I grab Dan's hand, walking with him back into the lounge, taking a seat on the sofa. I go back to the magazine, cutting out things I liked while Dan grabbed a handful of clipping from the bowl and layed them in his lap.

Slowly he flicked through the images, stopping to move one to a pile he began forming next to him of ones he liked.

"I think you should wear this one. It would suit you." he says holding up a picture of a dress. The dress was a lace bodice that flowed into a tule skirt. I grab the image from his offering hand, studying the dress.

"Well I can't get it. You've seen it so it won't be a surprise when you see me in it at the wedding."

"Damn it. But admit it, you love the dress and if I hadn't just seen it, it would have been the one you chose."

"True. I do really love it."

"So get it. I know what it looks like but I don't know what you look like in it."

I smile as I continue to stare at the dress. It was very pretty. I feel Dan's hand give mine a gentle squeeze and his lips leave a small tingling kiss on my cheek. I grab my phone from my pocket and take a picture of the image. I quickly text the picture to Dan's mum and Adrian who had both asked to see the dress as soon as I had made my decision.

Dan's POV

We all continued to cut out our favourite things from the magazines until it was time for Louise to leave, having to pick up Darcy from daycare.

Emma and I say goodbye to everyone at the the front door. I close the door behind us before heading back upstairs.

"I think we should sort through the clippings, see which one we like and ones that are completely horrible. I'll get Phil to help us." I say as I continue up the stairs.

"Yeah, get Phil, he can be the decider if we can't agree on something. I clear the dining table so we can sit there."

I go to get Phil while Emma clears the dining table so we can sort through the clippings.

--Several hours later--

As it turns out we don't need Phil. Emma and I had agreed on practically everything. We decide we will have the wedding at sunset in a church but with a non denominational ceremony, so the light will shine through the stained glass windows of the church. Reception at a sectioned off part of Hyde Park that we would decorate with fairy lights so we wouldn't be in darkness. Vanilla cake, a DJ to play our favourite bands, a black and white theme.

I would wear the classic tuxedo but the groomsmen would have a black shirt and a white bow tie. The same for the bridesmaids, black dresses, the style not figured out yet, and white bouquets of roses. Emma had joked that she should hold black roses. Instead I sugessted that there be a black ribbon tied around the flowers with long ends so it is noticable.

Emma and I had come to the agreement that the wedding would be in October, like we had both imagined the wedding to look like when we had told my parents about it. The red fallen leaves would be scattered acroos the grass in the park. And when the sun sets it would look like the trees were on fire from the way the light hit them.

The only dispute was over a wedding cake topper. We had agreed on a comical one but I wanted one where the groom and bride were on a bed with laptops on their laps and speech bubbles with emojis in them. Emma had wanted one where the bride is dragging the groom away from a computer.

I make puppy dog eyes, batting my eyelids, slightly pouting my bottom lip. I watch as Emma's serious face cracks a smile, turning into a giggle fit.

"Ok we'll have yours, I do kind of prefer it to my choice." she says, I kiss her cheek and wrap my arms around her, squeezing her tightly.

"Need air." Emma gasps. I realease her slightly, allowing her lungs to inflate before releasing her completely.

"So Phil about the best man, giving Emma away thing. I was thinking about this last night, about how it would work. I think, so that I can have my best man with me to calm my nerves and also for you to give Emma away, all of the groomsmen start off at the alter with me. The aisle song will play and you all head back down the aisle, get your bridesmaid partner and walk her back down the aisle." I say.

"Wait how does that work because I have to partner the maid of honor which is Louise."

Emma answers for me.

"I've spoken with Louise and she will walk with Darcy who is the flower girl. She will walk first, then Zoe and PJ, then Rachael and Chris, then Kristie and Adrian and finally me and you."

"That sounds like a really awesome opening to a wedding. People will probably think we're leavingand get a shock when they see us come back."

Phil's POV

"So who will you invite? You should write who you want to come because they'll all need to fit in the church and the party hire company so they know how many tables and chairs they will need." I say.

"I'm going to head over to Carrie's. It's our one year anniversarysince we've officially begn dating tomorrow. I was thinking I'd stay over tonight, then surprise her in the morning with breakfast in bed."

"That is really romantic Phil. Dan why can't you be romantic like Phil?"

"Hey I proposed to you, that is automatically ten times more romantic than anything Phil has done." Dan jokingly shouts.

"Oh hey that reminds me." I say as I fumble around my jeans pocket looking for the object. I find it and show Emma and Dan. "I'm going to propose to Carrie the day after your wedding. I'm not sure how I'll do it but I know that it should be after your wedding, I don't want to steal any of your thunder, and it would throw her off track because she would have expected me to do it during my best man speech."

"Congratulations Phil." Emma and Dan cheer as they pull me both into their embrace.

"Well I had better get going. I'll see you guys later." I say before heading outside to get a taxi to Carrie's place.

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