58 - Another First For Everything

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Dan' POV

I watch as Emma stands on her tiptoes to place the coffee mug on the top shelf as she unpacks the dishwasher. Watching my eclipse shirt rising over her shorts she wore to sleep in to reveal her stomach. Even though she tries to hide it, I don't mind the stretch marks, though they had started to disappear.

"Stop looking at my stomach." Emma states, taking a seat on the counter to reach the top shelf easier, trying to pull the shirt done as she places the mug on the shelf. Despite being 6 inches shorter than me she still struggles to reach things that I cheekily hide in high places. I spin Emma so she is facing me on the counter, resting my hands either side of her hips, the cold laminate of the counter against my palms. One of Emma's knees rests against my hip.

"Sorry. I just can't stop feeling like this is how our first date should have gone. We wake up together." I say, resting my hand on Emma's thigh. "Spending all day watching movies on my laptop so we didn't have to leave the bed."

Emma's arms wrap around me, holding me to her body.

"Sometimes I wish I had never left your bed. My parents would have never seen me if I hadn't tried to leave the building." Emma whispers, her breath blowing past my ear. "But if changing one thing in the past meant I couldn't be here in this moment with you, then I'd gladly go through it all again."

-- 2 months later --

"Ok, that is the last box." Emma announces, placing the cardboard box labeled clothes by the front door of Joe's house. "It's hard to believe your moving in together. 3 months in the apartment with Dan and I kind of makes you grow on us." She finishes, pulling Rachael into a hug. It didn't come as a surprise when Rachael announced during dinner with Joe, Emma and myself, that they had been dating since she arrived in England. Neither was it a surprise when she announce they would be moving in together.

Whilst Emma had actively been helping unload boxes of Rachel's things which Kian and Kristie had shipped over once the news broke of Rachael and Joe moving in together, I sat in the living room with Kieran and some of his toys.

According to my mum, I had to give Kieran tummy time. I sit with the mass of plastics toys sprawled across the carpet with Kieran in front of me. His cute little face smiling as I make zooming noises while pushing a toy train around him. Watching him, I notice a change in the way he is sitting.

"Emma! Come here!" I try to quietly shout. A few seconds pass before Emma bursts around the corner as Kieran takes the first timid crawling steps forward to grab onto the train.

"Oh my goodness." Emma exclaims, followed by Rachael's squeak of excitement and Joe's gasp. Emma had been tracking Kieran's development, he seemed to be learning at the same rate as Eleanor who had begun crawling a few days ago.

"Next thing you know, he is playing for Manchester United." Joe jokes.

Rachael's POV

We all sit to watch "Joe And Caspar Hit The Road: Australia" but really we are all watching Kieran on the carpet, crawling to grab any toy to bang on the ground.

Kieran yawns, like Batman responds to the bat signal, Dan collects Kieran into his arms.

"Well thanks for lunch. But we should probably get Kieran home and into bed." Emma says, gathering the toys into a bag. "Have a good night. We'll show ourselves out."

With that it is just Joe and I, alone in his house, well, our house now.

"Do you mind if I vlog this?" Joe asks. With a shake of my head, he pulls his vlogging camera from his pocket. "So Emma and Dan, just left. Its just Rachael and I in the house now so, its officially official. 28th of October, the day we moved in together.

Emma's POV

"Well today has been eventful. Rachel moved out, Kieran walked. I'm half expecting to get a call from Carrie or Phil to announce baby number two is on it's way." I joke, slipping into bed beside Dan, his laptop open on his lap.

"Would you settle for a high school reunion? One of the neighbours got it in their mail." Dan says, handing me the invitation he had had on his nightstand. I open the envelope, revealing the school's blue and yellow emblem.

"Your high school? Thats amazing. Are you going to go?" I ask, semi-excitedly, since the last time I had been to Berkshire was for Christmas, and it had been too cold to explore everything we hadn't when I had met his parents.

"Maybe. If I had a beautiful woman to accompany me. I wonder if Carrie is busy then." Dan jokes. I playfully punch his arm, which in turn he drapes across my shoulder. "I guess it would be nice to see how everyone's lives are going. And the invite says plus one so you can be there to make me seem cooler."

I rest my head against his shoulder as we watch random funny videos on youtube.

A/N: Sorry that the chapter is somewhat shorter than others, but I kind of wrote myself into a corner and I just needed to get out of it. I promise the next chapter will be long.

Also exciting news. I applied to study Game Art and Animation in Sydney at AIE.  I have an interview soon so wish me luck. Who knows. I could graduate and land a job designing characters for Rockstar games and create the next GTA.


1. The Feeling - Justin Bieber ft. Halsey (basically has been on repeat since I first heard it 3 days ago.)

2. Buses And Trains - Bachelor Girl (a song from my childhood that i never knew the name of but I would always hear on my mum's LimeWire download CD)

3. Ballroom Blitz - Sweet (Blame the Suicide Squad trailer on this one)

4. Ghost - Halsey

5. All The Way (I Believe In Steve) - Jacksepticeye (my sister told me about this song then I heard it in a Dan And Phil Crack Video.)

Weirdos all let us rejoice, for we are young and weird. With gold and soil and wealth for aluminium foil, our home is yoghurt by tea. (Australian Weird National Anthem sung by katygirl301296)

(I am a little offended by writing that but I'm more amused than offended.)

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