Chapter 19

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Some sexual content in this chapter

Jesses POV

Well today is the day that I will be facing my stalker and if I'm being honest I'm terrified just thinking about seeing his face has my stomach in knots.

"Baby it's going to be ok I won't let him near you ok." Riot said before taking my hand to hold.

Right now we were in Riots truck driving to the packs dungeons to see the man that made my life a living hell.

I guess I was to into my thoughts because when I came out of my thoughts we were there.

The building looked like a place that held prisoners.

But it was a well kept building.

"You ready." He asked before we got out of the truck.

"Yes just hold my hand please." I said before I took a hold of his hand before he opened his door and got out also pulling me along to get out his door too because I wouldn't let go of his hand.

As we walk towards the building I started to get even more nervous but I pushed them down and put on a brave face.

I won't let that bastard win.

When we walk into the building it looked like any other prison or jail.

"Alpha, Luna." A guard said standing at attention when we walked in.

"We are here to see the prisoner that has been stalking my mate your Luna Queen." Riot said before the guard moved aside for Riot to punch in a code by the door.

When the code was put in the door opened up to stairs leading down.

I guess I gave them a confused look because Riot answered my unasked question.

"We keep the most dangerous prisoners down there." Riot said before taking a step down to the dungeons as I followed.

Of course I'm going to follow because I haven't let go of Riots hand.

When we reached the bottom of the steps we started to walk to a cell at the end of the hall and as we got closer my nerves started to get the best of me.

I guess Riot could sense my nerves because he stopped before pulling me into an embrace.

"Its ok you don't have to this today if your not ready." He said before caressing my face which calm me down considerably.

"No it's ok I'm not going to let him win." I said with so much determination that had Riot smiling from ear to ear.

"Good." He said before starting to walk back down the hall hand in hand.

As we were walking down the hall I noticed that they didn't have that many people in the cells.

"You don't have many people down here." I said taking everything in.

"We don't have that many people that are terrible to be down here not like him." He said before stopping in front of the cell that contained the monster.

And I noticed that he had two guards on each side both had gun in holsters on their hips.

"Alpha, Luna." They both said man I really have to break these people of that but one thing at a time.

"Open the door." Riot said before the guards open the door.

When the door opened I saw that their was a wall separating us from the prisoner.

When my eyes landed on the person behind the wall in the cell I noticed he was sitting their just looking at us but mainly me and he has his signature smug look on his face.

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