Chapter 24

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Jesses POV

Here I am standing outside of the dungeons to see the man that made my life a living hell.

"Are you ready baby?" Riot asked as he held my hand as I kept a tight grip on him.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said looking over to Riot to let him know I'm ready to go and face my stalker.

As we were walking towards his cell a question popped into my head as we were nearing his cell.

"Did he happen to tell anyone his name?" I asked as I kept my eye on the door closing in.

"Harry that's all we got from him." Riot said stopping outside of the door before looking into my eyes.

"Are you sure about this if your not ready we can do this another day." He said keeping eye contact with me.

"Yes I'm sure I have to face him once and for all no more running." I said as I kept eye contact with Riot.

"Ok I will be right next to you and if you need to leave just mind link me ok." I shook my head before he opened the door leading us inside to the cell.

When I walked in I couldn't help but smile at how bad he looks.

You could tell they beat him up and maybe cut him but I couldn't tell.

All I know is that he's tied to a chair looking at me with that smug look of his that I just want to slap off his face.

"Well well look who came to see me my lovely mate." He said getting a growl from Riot.

Before Riot could say anything back to him I held my hand up to stop him.

"Ok you got me here now tell me who is helping you and how did you find me?" I asked getting down to the point keeping my tone strong and firm and my eyes directly on him.

"Getting down to the point I see don't I your mate deserve a kiss first." That got my blood boiling but I wasn't going to give in to what he wants.

"Just tell me what I want to know who's helping you, how did you find me, and how did you hide your scent." I said as I tightened my grip on Riots hand for reassurance that he is there.

"Well I might as well tell you since I will be getting out of here soon." He paused before looking from Riot and I still having that smug look on his face.

"I found out how to modify the spray the humans spray on themselves to work on werewolves to hide my scent but that's my secret, as to whose helping me I have friends and family, and how I found you I may or may not have put a tracking mark on you before I was stopped by Tommy."

After tracking mark left his mouth Riot growled so loud before he started advancing towards him.

"Riot stop he's not worth your time." I said before pulling him back next to me and caressing his hand with my thumb.

"You better enjoy the time you have left with Riot because when I get out of here let's just say he won't be around for long." Now that set me off because when he said that I automatically thought of the dream where he killed Riot and I watched the life drain from his eyes.

But all I know is I saw red and I launched myself at him tackling him to the ground and began punching him over and over again.

"You will not touch him I'll just kill you myself!" I screamed as I continued to hit Harry the stalker the man who made my life hell.

"Jesse stop we still need information from him." Riot said and I felt him grab a hold of me but with all my rage I was able to push away from Riot and continue to pummel my stalker.

As I was beating the shit out him I felt and heard a crack but I was to far gone to care.

"Jesse that's enough." Riot said again firmly before I felt his arms go around my waist and pull me away from the monster.

"NOO LET ME KILL HIM." I screamed as I fought against Riots hold to get back to him and end him once and for all.

"I can't let you do that." Riot said and he dragged me out kicking and screaming to get back to killing him.

When we finally got out into the hallway and the door was shut and locked Riot set me down but I still try to get inside but they locked the door so I couldn't get back inside and finish the job.

"Why did you stop me!" I screamed at Riot and I was pissed because he stopped me from killing that monster.

"Don't take that tone with me." He said firmly but still trying to stay calm so I calm down.

"I stopped you because I don't want blood on your hands have you ever taken a life." He said as he kept direct eye contact with me.

"No but I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty if I killed him so your safe." I said as the adrenaline finally started to wear off and I started to feel the pain in my hand.

I lifted my hand gently and held it against my chest to try and relieve some of the pain but it wasn't working and Riot noticed right away that I was hurt.

"Come on lets get you to the doctor and take care of your hand and find the tracking mark." Riot said before I felt his hand go on my back and lead me down the hall and out of the building to his truck.

When we got to his truck Riot opened the door and helped me into the truck before shutting my door before going to his side and getting in.

"Jesse are you mad that I stopped you?" Riot asked as soon as we got onto the road and heading towards the pack doctor.

"You should have let me finish the job." Was all I said before I turned my attention to look out the window.

"I told you already you have never taken life and I don't want you to feel bad later for killing someone no matter who it is." He said before I felt his fingers caress my face.

I started to lean towards his touch but stopped because he stopped me from killing my stalker.

Yes he had his reason but I know I wouldn't feel guilty if I killed him because that monster deserves everything that is coming to him and more.

When I started to move away from his touch I was stopped.

"Please don't shut me out." Hearing how sad he sounded when I started to move away from him stopped me.

I carefully unbuckled myself and moved to the middle seat and carefully put the seatbelt back on before laying my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." He said before I felt his arm wrap around my waist and hold me which help calm me down.

When we pulled up to the pack hospital Riot got out first before helping me out of the truck and walking inside.

"Alpha Luna what can we do for you today?" The nurse asked when she saw Riot and I walk in.

"I need you to check my mates hand it might be broke and to find a tracking mark." Riot said as I continued to hold my hand against my chest.

"Follow me to room five." The nurse said before leading us to a room before leaving us to get the doctor.

As I was sitting on the exam table I started to feel extremely tired from all the adrenaline that has now worn off and I was having a hard time staying up.

Riot must have noticed because he came over to me and had me lean on him as he was careful not to touch my hand.

"Just lean on me and relax." Riot said as he rubbed my back easeing my tense muscles.

"I love you Riot." I said as my eyes started to close from how exhausted I was.

"I love you too baby." He said as I tried to stay awake as I yawned.

"Go to sleep baby I'll wake you up when the doctor comes in." And that was enough for me to close my eyes and welcome the darkness.

Funny how almost killing someone can make you sleepy.

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