Chapter 4

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Jesse's POV

As the Alpha King was taking me to his car I was thinking of ways of getting out of his grip, and also my wolf was walking beside him, and he looked happy about what was happening. " Traitor." I said to Odin still thinking of a plan to get out this, until I remember what I was taught. " He understands what's going on remember, My wolf and I can communicate with him. " Odin please I saved you, please I don't want this."

After I said that Odin growled at Riot and launched himself at Riot, and bit him right where he was holding me, and it was a good enough of a bite for him to let me go, and also give Odin enough time to get by my side." How did you get him to do that." Riot said while his eye's were changing from his dark brown to black, meaning Riot's wolf was trying to come out. " He will always choose my family and I over you any day, he just needed to be reminded.

Riot started to comes towards me, and I got into my fighting stance. " You think you can fight me." Riot said with amusement in his face. " I've had practice." I said because I do know how to fight. In fact I was trained by Navy Seals, but that's a story for another time. " Well I'll have you know I'm a former Marine, and I was taught in MCMAP, and I was also part of their special forces too, so your due for a wake up call." Riot said smirking at me thinking he's won. " Oh yeah well she went through BUD'S training the actual BUD'S, and she also went through all the other special force schools, in each branch, and they did that because they wanted to see how well a girl could handle it, and guess what she passed all of them, So you could say that she's a lethal weapon." My brother Ben said  giving him a smug look like your screwed.

" Not bad my mate has a little fight in her, well I'm still not going to fight." Riot said starting to stalk towards me "Why afraid to lose to a human girl."

With that said Riot stop right in his tracks. " No I'm afraid that'll I'll hurt you, and that's the last thing I want to do. "Ok I'll make you a deal, If I can kick your ass, and pin you for five seconds, you'll leave me alone, and if you can pin me for five seconds, I'll go with you without another word.

" Ok I'll take that bet, because I'm going to win anyway." Riot said with his usual smug look. " Deal." I said while Riot and got into our fighting stance.

Riot decided to come at me first, and I was able to move out of his way, and kick him in the face. This went on for a while with him coming at me, and me getting away from him or kicking him in one way or the other, and I'm pretty sure he's trying to wear me out so he can pin me, but he's got another thing coming. " Come on please you don't know how long I've been waiting for you." Riot said trying to distract me which didn't work. " No I'm not giving up my life just to become your breeding bitch." I said with such disdain, that I was able to see a hurt cross his eye's before they went back to indifference.

" You don't have to give up anything." Riot yelled back trying to come at me, and I got away from him. "Really are you really going to let me still continue being a firefighter paramedic." I said watching his next move.

Riot didn't answer me, and I got my answer. " I guess I got my answer so I'll never stop fighting, I hate you!" I all but yelled at him.

After I yelled that I saw his eyes go black, and before I could comprehend what was going to happen, he used his wolf speed, and got behind me, and held me. All the while he started to count.

But as he was counting, and got to four my pager went off. It was for a working structure fire, and they were calling for all firefighters, and the odd thing was I saw some of the wolves that came with the Alpha King start running in the direction of town. " They are also firefighters." Was all Riot said before I took my head, and hit him so hard that I heard a crunch.

After I hit him in the nose I was able to get out his hold. " Looks like you lose." I said starting to run towards my truck, and of course Odin following. " All of your stuff in my truck, we are heading to the scene." I said to my brothers, dad, and Tommy.

They didn't even hesitate they just got their gear, and put their gear in the bed of my truck. As everyone got settle I started my truck, turned my lights, and sirens on, and started to head towards the scene. But not before I screamed out the window. " You lose now leave me the fuck alone."

I said while I started down my road, and As I was looking in the rearview mirror I saw sadness, but at the moment I didn't care I had a fire to get to, and hopefully he got the message loud, and clear that I didn't want him.

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