Chapter 3

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Jesse's POV

As soon as I got away from the pack house I dug into the glove compartment and took out a spray that would hide my scent. I sprayed it on me and out the window so Riot wouldn't be able to track me to my house.

" Why did I have to have a mate." I thought to myself, as I continued to drive back home. As soon as I got to my house I got out of the car with Odin close behind, but before I could get to the door I heard the snapping of a twig. I picked up my pace to get to my house, when a big black and white wolf came out of the forest.

" Oh thank god." I whisper but knowing he would hear me. I started to hear the popping of bones knowing he was changing back. " Jesse are you ok, you looked freaked out." My friend Tommy said while putting on a pair of shorts. You may be wondering who's Tommy.

Well first his name is Tommy Jones, and he's a werewolf. He's not part of a pack, and no he's not a rouge. Tommy is a lone wolf, a wolf that's not part of a pack but still follows the laws put in place by the humans and werewolves. Tommy is the seventh person in our little family. Tommy has brown hair cut in a crew cut style and his big brother is an Alpha so he has Alpha blood, but he didn't want to be part of a pack so he became a lone wolf, and did what he always wanted to do, and that was to become a firefighter paramedic.

I meant him when he joined our department as a newbie, and we've been friends ever since. Now back to the story.

" I'll tell you as soon as we get into the house, but first can you help me grab these groceries first." I said heading back towards my car. " Sure and I made sure that he won't be able to find you I got rid of any scent that smelled like you from Ohio to here." Tommy said grabbing the rest of the bags in the car. When we finally got in the house most of the boxes were unpacked, but I didn't care at the moment I had to run again, and I'm tired of running. " Jesse your home what took you so long, and Tommy glad you finally made it." My dad said while he started to put the food away. " Well when I was coming home there was a run, and I was close so I went, and then I found out that I'm mated to a wolf, so I'm leaving." I said heading upstairs to where they put my stuff at so I can start packing. " What do you mean leaving we just got here." My dad said while I started packing.

" Look I don't want a mate, and I know he would make me give up being a firefighter paramedic, and I'm not giving up anything, and love isn't real anyway. " " Jesse he could protect you from him." My brother Tyler said watching me pack. " What's his name?" Tommy asked. " Riot Barnes, I think because his mom is named Mabel Barnes." I said while I continued to pack. " Jesse you need to stop packing there is no way you can out run him." Tommy said taking away my bag that I was packing. " And why not." I said trying not to get mad at Tommy. " Well he's the Alpha King, and his mom is the former Luna Queen."

After Tommy told me that my mate is The Alpha King the blood in my face drained. " No I refuse to be his mate I can't be his mate their has to be some kind of mistake." I said as I started to pace back and forth to think of how I'm going to get out of this mess.

As I was thinking there was knock on the door, and it was the kind of knock to let you know that whoever was on the other side wasn't happy. " I'll get it." My dad said walking out of my room to answer the door. " What can I do for you this evening." I heard my dad say trying not to sound worried. But there was no answer just the sounds of footsteps coming into the house and up the stairs towards my room. I didn't say anything I just grabbed the keys to my car, and whistle to let Odin know to come with me, and went out the window.

As soon as I hit the ground Odin and I started to run to my truck. " Alpha she's out here." I heard someone say, and I pumped my legs faster so I would make it to my truck. As soon and I got to my truck and I was opening the door I heard a very angry growl followed by a command. " Stop!" That one word had me stop in my tracks from fear. I turned around to see a very angry Alpha Stalking towards me.

Before he could get near me Odin my loyal wolf got in between Riot and I and started to growl at him. " Call your wolf off." Riot growled at me. " Um no he's a wolf, not a house dog." I said starting to grab for my gun that was in the side of my door. " Well then we'll just do it the hard way then." Riot said coming at me again.

But before he could get near me or Odin I grabbed my gun, and pointed it right at him. " Jesse don't do it." I heard Tommy say as he, my dad, and brothers were running towards us. " I told you I don't want this, he just wants me so I can pop out heirs for him." I all but screamed at them. " Jesse you can't it's the law not get in the way of mates." Tommy said with a worried expression. " It doesn't say anything about the mate not fighting against it." I said trying to keep an eye on the angry Alpha in front of me.

While I was to busy paying attention to Riot I didn't notice another wolf come up behind until it was to late, and my gun was out of my hand, and on the ground. " Now little mate no more running." Riot said taking me from the wolf that had a hold of me, and started to walk me towards his car.

But I will never stop running from him. I will escape, and he will never find me. That is a promise I'm going to keep.

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