Chapter 2

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Mabel POV

After Jesse drove off I had to get home fast to tell my son the news that his mate, and soon to be Luna Queen is here.

You may be wondering how I know that she is the going to be my sons mate even though I'm human. Well when your a human and mated to a werewolf, you also start to feel the power that comes from a werewolf, and you can also feel when someone is going to be a mate to a werewolf, oh the perks of being mated to a werewolf is I'll know who is going to be my son's mate, and I'm so happy that it's going to be Jesse I can feel the power coming off of her, and it can only mean that she is my son's mate.

When I finally arrived home I ran into the house that's meant for the high ranked royal pack members. " Riot are you home." I yelled as soon as I got into the house. " I'm in the office mom." I heard Riot say. " Riot I found your mate." I said as soon as I walked into the Riot's office. Riot stop whatever paper work he was doing, and looked at me. " Are you sure mom I'm 29 and I've been looking since the day I turned 16." " Yes I'm sure I could feel the power that ran through her, which means she's your mate, and you would have found her sooner if you didn't go into the marines." I said starting to notice a funny feeling going through my left arm.

" Hey dad was marine too, and are you sure because she could just be a strong werewolf." Riot said trying not get his hopes up. " No she's a human, and yes I'm sure you have to meet, and I also don't think she knows that I'm the former Luna Queen." I said as the feeling in my left arm started to get worse. " Ok I'll meet her what's her name."

Before I could answer that feeling in my left arm turned to pain, and I knew that I had to get help. " Son would you call 911 I think I'm having a heart attack." I said very calmly so I wouldn't freak out Riot. " Are you sure." Riot said very alarmed. I just shook my head before I sat down on the couch because I started to feel very faint.

Jesse POV

As I was driving home my pager went off, and it was for a middle aged woman having a heart attack. I listen for the address, and had put it into my GPS, and found out I wasn't far from the victim, and time is everything for a heart attack victim, and I did have my bag with me to. So I turned on my lights and sirens, and headed for house.

It took only couple of minutes for me to arrive at the house. But as I drove up to the house I realized it was a pack house, because of runs I had on my previous department for injured wolves. "Who knew they could have heart attacks." I thought to myself.

After I stop my car and grabbed my bag I got out of the car along with Odin, and ran to the door and knocked. I only knock once when the door swung open to reveal a very good looking middle age man with black hair, and some grey in it, and dark brown eyes, an all an all tall dark and handsome but middle aged. " Hi I heard on my pager about the heart attack victim and I was close, and since minutes matter. " Yeah come in it's my wife." The man said with a lot of fear that he was going to lose her.

I followed him through the pack house, and into an office, and who I saw on the couch had my heart breaking. "Mabel." I said a little stunned that she was having a heart attack and also mated to a werewolf. " Jesse why are you here." She said a little faint but I also saw the smile on her face. " She the one I was telling you about." Mabel said to a man who looked like a younger version of the man who let me in but way better looking. I also notice that he had a smile on his face, and the look in his eyes said that he had finally found his missing piece.

But at the time I didn't put two and two together because I was to focused on saving Mabel. " Ok Mabel I'm going to take your vital signs first." I said starting to take her blood pressure. After I took all her vitals, and came to the conclusion that she was having a heart attack a couple more paramedics walked in with and EKG. " Hey I'm firefighter paramedic 1413 I'm starting tomorrow but I was close so here I am." I said to the paramedics that walked in. I also gave them Mabel's vitals as they started to hook on the EKG.

" Yeah she's throwing PVPS." I said to one of the paramedics. " Ok Mabel please stay calm but you are having a heart attack but we are going to give you what we call a cardiac cocktail." I said trying to keep her calm as possible. But trying to keep her mate, and son from freaking out was hard. " Oh my god I can't lose my mate do everything you can to save her I can't lose her." Her mate yelled but not in a mean way but from fear. " Rixon it's ok I have faith in Jesse and the other paramedics." Mabel said with her warm smile that I like.

After we gave Mabel the cardiac cocktail, she started to show signs of improvement, and her mate started to calm down.

After Mabel was loaded into the ambulance, along with her mate and off to the hospital I started to head back to the car with Odin following. " Nice wolf you got there but please tell me he's not your pet." Riot Mabel's son said looking at Odin sitting in the car waiting for me to get in. " No I saved him, and he's been with me ever since." I said leaving out the part that he saved me. " That's good but can we talk for a minute." Riot said to me while still looking at me with so much love.

" I really have to get these groceries home." I said starting to get into my car. " Ok I'll follow you home then mate."

After I heard him say mate my whole world stopped. Because I don't want a mate because 1. Love is a four letter lie 2. Even though I have a werewolf friend a mate is someone that is able to keep the werewolf species going. 3. I don't want to stop being a firefighter paramedic.

I didn't say anything I just started my car and drove as fast as I could home.

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