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We have been walking for awhile. As we walked through town every once in awhile a girl would stop to look at Steve or Soda. Sometimes guys would stop to look at me but I didn't pay any attention. We left town and now we are walking around a neighborhood. 

"Hey I'm sorry again about what happen" Steve said

"It's alright I get it" I said and he smiled

"Hey we're heading to a Drive-in movie theater tonight, you wanna come?" he asked I smile, nod,

"Sure sounds fun" I said, we both smiled.

We walked by a empty lot. I looked up at Steve as he looked at me then he grinned, he walked in front of me and picked me up bridal style,

"Whoo, This little Dolly is light!" he hollered as me and Soda chuckled.

We stopped at a nice, little house "You know, I could of walked," I said.

Laughing, he put me down in front of the fence.

"I know but don't want you little feet hurting from those heels" Steve smirked and I giggled

I turned to look at the house "Wow where are we?" I asked

"This my brothers and my house. You're more then welcome to come here anytime" Soda said with a charming smile patting my back.

"Thank yo-oou" Dally suddenly picked me up over his shoulder. I couldn't stop laughing as he walked me into the house spinning me around, then throwing me on to a couch.

"You guys are gonna hurt yourselves, I'm not that light," I said

"You kidding, you definitely ain't heavy, your light as a feather" Steve chuckled

"And she's ain't that tall, either," Dally said grabbing my heels from my feet. He held them up in the air as I jumping up, trying to reach them as everyone chuckled.

Then Steve squeezed my sides to hold me to down to see my size and I flinched and giggled a bit

"Oh! Someone's ticklish," Soda chuckled

"No! No! No!" I said as the he pinned me down and tickled me, everyone laughed. I wiggled around till I got free. I got up quickly but accidentally ran right into Soda who started tickling me as well.

After awhile things calmed down. I sighed. "I still got milkshake on me.

"Hey is their anywhere I can change?"

"Yeah bathroom is over their." Soda pointed toward the door and I nodded before thanking him

I went out the door to Dally car getting my bag. I saw three guys with greasy hair walk towards the house

"Woo, who's this sweetface" a guy in a Mickey mouse shirt said
Dally suddenly came out of the house

"Don't even think about it, Two. She's my sister and I'll put my foot up your ass if you try anything" Dally yelled from the porch

"Oh whatever" Two yelled back. We began walking into the house

"Nice to meet you, baby. I'm Kieth but everyone calls me Two-bit" Two held out his hand for me to shake

"Because he always puts his two cents in everyone business" Dally said wrapping his arm over my shoulders and pulled me away from Two.

"Well it's to meet you Two. I'm Dallas sister Dolly Winston" I smiled

"Hey aren't you supposed to be in California for some school or something?" Two asked

"See. My point proven" Dally pointed out. I laughed as we stepped inside the house.

I looked at the two boys, they look young "Dolly, this is Ponyboy, my younger brother, and his buddy, Johnny," Soda explained.

I looked at them, I remember what Dally said about Johnny's parents. I ran up to Johnny and hugged him. He was shocked and flinched at first but, then he relaxed.

"Dally told me bout your parents, I'm sorry. are you okay?" I asked

"Eh, it's alright, I'm fine." he replied blushing, I smiled and he gave a shy smile

"Hey Dolly, weren't you gonna change?" Steve quickly stepped in

"Oh right thank you" I said

I quickly walked past the boys and into the bathroom then locked the door. I quickly changed my dress into high wasted shorts and a shirt tucked in. I opened the door with my bag before setting it by Dally's feet. I leaned against the wall, putting on my heels.

I nearly fell backwards before I was caught in the arms of Steve. I couldn't help but laugh. The others joined as a man walked in.

"Hey...who's this?" he asked. I stood straight up and held out my hand,

"I'm Dolly Winston" I said, he shook my hand

"I'm Darrel but you can call me Darry" he replied, I looked at him with shock. 

I gave him a hug "You're doing a great thing for your brothers" I said, remembering what Dallas along with Soda told me. Darry is their older brother who works two jobs and helps take care of everyone.

"Thanks, it's not a problem." he said with a smile.

"Well, we should get going" Steve said, him and Soda stood up and I nodded. Dallas quickly placed his hand on Steve in a stopping motion

"Going where? with whom?" Dallas asked

"It's alright, Dally. We're just going to the drive-in" I said

"Alright" Dallas said to me then grabbed Steve by the shoulder

"Don't even think about trying anything with her" Dallas threaten while pointing at him

"Alright Alright. Relax, I got it. Let's go, Dolly." He said escaping Dallas grip and stepped towards me.
"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me," I said to Darry before kissing his cheek in a friendly way.
"Alright, will do," he said, smiling back.

"It was nice meeting you guys" I said to the gang. I kissed Dally's cheek also in a friendly way "Bye Dally. Don't wait up" I said jokingly and he gave me a look.

"See ya," I waved to everyone

"See ya," they replied, and we walked out the door, and were on our way.

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