𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝

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— Maggie, Matilda, Jocelyn and Alex

"We should try and find her." Maggie says while sitting on the wooden swing outside of Alex's house. Along with Matilda, and Alex, while drinking beers. "She's not a rogue agent. She's not on the lam. She's a single mother with two kids. How hard could it be?"

Maggie looks over at Alex, "Really freakin hard. I called anyone I could think of — Cristina, her father — and then I thought maybe Webber was right, maybe she followed in Ellis' footsteps. So I started calling hospitals in Boston and asking for Dr. Grey just to see if anyone would answer."

Matilda was sitting there, silent, she didn't think everyone should be looking for Meredith. She thought she should just leave her be. Meredith wanted to be alone, she showed it. Not answering her phone, leaving the state. When Jocelyn's dad died she wanted to be alone, she also left the state, but she kept in contact with her boyfriends friends. They kept her safe.

Matilda took another swig of her beer as the fireworks started.

Jocelyn was inside, on the couch. Normally she would go to her friends house, but she could see her mom hurting. So she stayed around, but kept her distance.

"This isn't why I came to Seattle." Maggie spoke up while watching the fireworks go off. "I didn't know exactly why I was coming, but..I knew it had to do with finding out about my family, and I found Meredith. And then she..," They all continue to look at the fireworks, "I never felt abandoned by my birth mother. My parents never let me, not for a second. We were meant to be a family. I believe that. I know that. But..," Matilda sighed, listening to what Maggie says, "But I think this is how I would've felt..if I had."

"I know how you feel," Matilda says, wiping the tear that had left her eye, "Being abandoned, I mean." Matilda stares off into the night, "I know how you feel." She repeats, quietly.

Alex reaches into his pocket, pulling his phone out to call Meredith again,

"You've reached Dr. Meredith Grey."

"Look, cut it out. It's not fair to any of us. Just tell me that you're okay and that you're safe. That's all. Just do that." Alex spoke into the phone, after talking he turned the phone off.

Alex looked at Maggie, and Maggie looked at Matilda. Matilda still stared off into the night.



— Amelia and Stephanie

At Grey Sloan, Amelia and Stephanie sat in the M.R.I room looking at their patients scans, "Look at this guy's spinal abscess." Amelia zooms into the patient's spine, "Sloppy. Who was the primary?" The attending asked the resident beside her.

"Dr. Nelson."

Amelia nods, "Ah, it figures." She looks back at the scans on the screen. "If Derek saw this, he would roll over in his grave." Amelia uses the joke she's been using for the past months, "Can you actually do that? Roll over in a grave? I mean, a casket's pretty snug. There's not a lot of room to move in there. More like shake." Another scan came up on the screen, "If Derek saw this, he would shake in his grave. Shimmy, maybe."

"Please stop." Stephanie said, looking through the glass to their patient.

Amelia looks over to Stephanie, "Stop what?"

"You've been making a lot of jokes and comments about.." Stephanie nods her head.

"About..my dead brother?" She asks.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒, 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐲₁Where stories live. Discover now