Prologue Part One

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(Note: This is going to have a lot of scenes from the tv shows but start out before Kara reveals herself as Supergirl but in my version James Olsen has already started working at CatCo and  Barry Allen/Oliver Queen and the rest of Athena's soulmates have already been recruited by Diana to form the justice league. Also in this storyline Clark WAS together with Lois for a while and the events of Batman v Superman happened along with the justice league movie. He is still currently in a relationship with her; and Barry is with Iris, but when everyone realizes Athena is their soulmate; they will be ending their current relationships.)

Athena's POV

I sat at my desk at CatCo staring at the monitor in front of me. Next to me were my three friends, Kara, Winn and James.

"I can't believe it! How was he able to capture so many superhero's! I mean I know Lex Luther is powerful and insanely crazy but I never thought he would be so stupid as to break out of prison and immediately attack every superhero he could find!" Winn exclaimed as we watched the news anchor who was reporting live from what looked like a disaster zone.

"Who knows what goes through that psycho's mind! Hey, Kara, are you ok?" I said as I glanced at the blonde standing next to me.

"Wha - um, yeah! Of course I am!" She hurried to reply.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale! Have you had anything to eat yet? I know you eat a lot. Here have a cookie! I made them this morning so they are nice and fresh!" I said, reaching next to me and pulling out a bag of cookies.

"Thanks Athena! You're so sweet, not to mention you make the best cookies in the galaxy!" Kara said as she took one. I proceeded to pass cookies to James and Winn as I struggled to hide the fact that I had started to blush.

"Really Kara? In the entire galaxy? Honestly, sometimes you say the strangest things!" I giggled.

"Well, it's true!" She said winking at me as she bit into her cookie. I watched her carefully to make sure she really was ok. She seemed distracted and still pale as she stared at the news reporter. I shook it off. She was probably just worried about what the news meant for our city. It wasn't looking good.

"Thanks for the cookies Athena but we should all probably get back to work," James said after a few minutes had passed. I smiled and shooed my friends off towards the elevator before getting back to my own work, my mind racing.

Lex Luther had broken out of jail and captured Superman, the Flash, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Batman, and the Green Lantern! There was going to be chaos in the streets if they weren't rescued soon! The crime rates had been dropping ever since Wonder Woman had created the Justice League since all the low level criminals were too scared to do much, but with all the major super heroes captured, everyone was going to be going wild.

I sighed, at least I knew what I was going to be doing tonight after work. For several months now I had been using my hidden "talents" to help rescue people in need. I wouldn't call myself a super hero but the people of National City had given me the name "Thunderbolt" due to my ability to throw lightning bolts.

*Time Skip*

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out in pain as I finally managed to sneak out of the house later that night. Since I was only 17 I was still forced to live with my foster father and brother. I had graduated high school early and gotten myself an internship at CatCo magazine but legally I was still forced to stay under their roof. I had thought about trying to get myself emancipated but there was just no way Ben and George were going to let me just up and leave them. The two were helpless on their own. The only thing they did was get drunk and do drugs all day long. My entire paycheck went straight into Ben (my foster father's) bank account which was how they managed to keep up their lifestyle.

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