Chapter Eight

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"So anyway, that's how that happened," Mon-El said as he sat on the weight bench as Winn tested his abilities.

"You were a palace guard?" I said? Something seemed off with his story but I didn't wanna accuse him of making things up, especially not after we had just told him his entire planet was gone.

"For the great royal family of Daxam," he responded though again, I noticed he looked uncomfortable as he said that.

"Ugh, they were the worst. And their son, the prince, he was rumored to be the worst of the worst. Frat boy of the universe," Kara said. I giggled but noticed Mon-El staring at me as I did so.

"Uh, he...He had his good moments, too," he said as he stared at me.

"Hmm. Oh, yeah, your planets didn't get along so well, did they?" Winn asked.


"No." Kara and Mon-El said at the same time. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but any chance there was a response to that signal I sent to Daxam? I mean, I can't be the only one left, right?

"I'm sorry, but, no," Alex said.

"Right, uh... Anyway, enough of those...Those dreary thoughts, right? So, what do you guys do for fun around here? Do you drink or dance or...Oh, hey, do they play Garata here?"

"What's Garata?"

"It's like soccer, with dragons."

"No, not that. Uh, we have PlayStation!" Winn said.

"Great. So, when do we get out of here and do that...That thing you just said?" I chuckled. Poor guy. It was clear as daylight he was uncomfortable and wanted to get out of the building.

"Actually, you have to stay here in the DEO. Until we can assess the full range of your powers, you're gonna have to stay in this facility. For your own protection," J'onn said.

"I will do as you ask," Mon-El said with a frown.

"Good. Now, I have somewhere I need to be."

"Where are you headed?"  Alex asked.

"It's personal."

"I didn't know he did anything personal," Alex commented with a frown.

*Time Skip*

3rd Person POV

"She is a babe," Mon-El commented as he and Kara stood in the special room at the DEO where Kara would talk to her mom.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, your mother, I mean. Oh, okay. Winn told me that "babe" is what you call a beautiful woman on Earth. I'm sensing that's not right," Mon-El said as he took in Kara's response.

"Maybe don't let Winn teach you too much about women on this planet," Kara pointed out as he nodded. He then asked her if she would be willing to help out and brought up Thunderbolt, noticing the intense look Kara gave him when he did so but not understanding the reason for it.

(Note: Kara knows that Thunderbolt has more than one soulmate because Clark told her about the other superheroes being her soulmate as well so when Mon-El comments that he thinks Thunderbolt is a "babe" as well she has her suspicions that he might be a soulmate as well.)

Athena's POV

"I hope too many people didn't bet on us," I said as I helped Kara get to her feet after getting our ass handed to us by Draaga.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Alex said to us as she checked us out.

"We just got our asses handed to us by a seven-foot alien gladiator. I'm nowhere near okay," Kara said.

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