Chapter Five

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Athena's POV

"Do you want to do the honors?" Kara asked her cousin as the three of us flew towards the latest emergency.

"Eh. I got to look cool last time. Thunderbolt and I will handle the cloud. You give 'em what they need," Clark replied with a glance over to me. I nodded and closed my eyes before using my abilities to dissipate the cloud.

"Does this ever get old?" Kara asked as the crowd below us began to cheer.

"If it does, I will let you know," Clark said as I just shrugged. I didn't really care for the publicity - I spent enough time in the public eye when performing as the singer/dancer known professionally as "Cinderella" - I know the name is a bit lame but I had a huge obsession with all things fairytale growing up and considering the whole parallel with me hiding my identity I figured it was appropriate.

*Beep beep beep*

"That's our cue," I said as we flew off to deal with a pair of robbers.

"What's the hurry?" Kara asked as we landed in front of their getaway car.

"Oh, uh... I'm with them," Clark chimed in as he landed behind the car. "Uh, I think I may have scratched your bumper here."

I rolled my eyes as the robbers decided to start shooting. Didn't everyone know that Superman and Supergirl were bulletproof at this point? I flinched as one of them bounced off of Clark only to sink itself into the flesh of my calf. Though thankfully I don't think he noticed. I groaned as I quickly bent to pull the bullet out as I watched one of the robbers punch Clark in the face, not that it had any effect on him.

"See, now... If the bullets don't work, right, why the punching? I just never understood that," Clark said, frowning as he glanced my way and caught me tossing out the bullet.

"I'm having a really good day," Kara squealed as she wrapped her arms around both of us. I chuckled.

"Me, too," her cousin said.

"When you three are done showboating, there's a renegade Kigori in Riverside Park," Hank said into our earpieces.

"We're on it, Hank," Kara replied.

*Time Skip*

"You're exposing him to kryptonite? He's a survivor, not a prisoner!" Clark said once he, Kara, and I had returned to the DEO to check up on the strange newcomer.

"It's a precaution. We don't know anything about him," J'onn replied.

"Ooh, power is back at 100%," Winn said as he stared at his tablet.

"His vitals have jumped again. It's at the same rate as the power drain," Alex commented.

"He's repairing himself at a cellular level?" I asked, confused.

"It's like photosynthesis. His cells are absorbing the electrical energy and converting them to chemical energy," Alex explained.

"You should test his levels again. Now that he's..." Clark started to say.

"We've got this, Superman," J'onn interrupted.

"Sure you do. I should go," Clark said, tilting his head to me in Kara before walking out of the room.

"I know you two aren't the best of friends. But you promised you'd be nice to him while he's here," Kara complained.

"Yeah, actually he said he would try," Winn clarified.

"How... How is it hard to be nice to Superman? He's Superman!" Kara said.

"If it means so much to you, we will get along," J'onn said.

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