Chapter Six

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"Freeze!" Alex said as we popped out of our hiding spots.

"It's not what it looks like, Danvers," Agent McGill tried to say. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and turn around. Here's what's going to happen. I'm bringing you in. And you're gonna tell me everything you know about Cadmus," Alex said.

"No, I'm not," he replied and I cried out as Alex and I were brought to our knees in surprise as several guys rushed us from behind, one of them shooting McGill in the chest.

"Agent Danvers of the DEO and Thunderbolt. Nice to meet you. I'll tell your father you say hello," a women's voice said.

"Where's my father?" Alex cried out.

"You know I won't say."

"Well, you might as well tell me, if you're gonna kill me."

"I suggest you die remembering him as he was. It's better that way. Unless you'd care to join him. Cadmus welcomes any bright minds willing to help our cause," the women said as she glanced over to look at me.

"My father would never collaborate with you!" Alex stated.

"Do you know what I see when I look at you two? Abused children. A brainwashed little girl the DEO has warped into believing that demons are angels. And a girl who's foster family treats her like a monster. Both of you raised to believe wrongly. That your life should be sacrificed to them, our invaders. All I'm asking, is for you two to think about what your lives would be if aliens had never come. What they could be, if they were no more. That's what I'm trying to do for the world. And you could help me," the women said.

"I've killed a Kryptonian before. I stabbed Astra of the House of El with a sword made of kryptonite. I've done what you want to do. What you can't do," Alex started to say. It was no surprise to me. She had kept it from Kara at first but I had been there when it happened and was just glad it had been her and not me.

"I'm impressed."

"Good. Because I want you to know what I'm capable of when I tell you that when I find my father, I'm coming for you."

"Well, I suppose that settles that, then."

I frowned as I saw them move in on Alex. She and Kara along with Winn were the closest I had to friends/family in this world and I hated the idea of anyone hurting them.

As the female walked out of the room I made eye contact with Alex and she nodded at me and together we began to fight off the guards who had us restrained. We managed to escape and ran around with our heads down low to avoid all the bullets that we're coming at us.

"Don't move!" A voice said behind us. I, however, looked up as the ceiling collapsed and Supergirl swooped in.

"You okay?" She asked looking at us.

"Yeah. Thanks to you." I kept silent as I let the two sisters talk things out.

"I'm sorry. I'm... I'm so sorry for everything. I...I'm sorry if I ever have made you feel like you were less to me than Clark. You are the only reason I've ever felt at home on this planet."

"I'm just better when we're together," Alex replied.

"Me, too. They think we're divided, but we're not.

"They" who?" Alex asked.

"I know what to do about Metallo. Both Metallos. But I need you."

"I'm here. Always."

"And you know I'm always happy to help," I chimed in with a grin.

*Time Skip*

"Okay. So, this is a bit of a rush job, but they should keep you alive. What do you think?" Winn said.

"Nice job, Mr. Schott. You should be..."

"Not you," Winn said with his eyes focused on Superman. I giggled as he sent me a wink.

"I love it," Clark said clapping Winn on the back.

"Are you crying?" I asked as I giggled some more.

"No," Winn said as he glared at me.

"So, what's the plan?" Alex asked.

"Well, Cadmus thinks that we are above the rest of the world, that we'll retreat alone to our own cities, just wait for them to come and get us. What they won't be expecting is for us to have backup," Kara explained.

"We're listening," her cousin replied.

*Time Skip*

"I'm liking this. Thank you, Winn." I heard Clark say through my earpiece but I was busy trying to hold myself back from joining Kara in her fight with Martello. It was killing me to have to stay back out of sight but for the plan to work I had to wait a little longer.

"And now it's really over," Matello was saying but I rolled my eyes and sent a bolt into his back sending him flying through a support post of the parking garage.

"You thought you could divide and conquer?" I told him.

"You might work better alone, but we don't," Kara finished for me.

"Now, we're gonna give you a little time-out and you're gonna think about what you did," I heard Clark say as Kara and I continued to fight Metallo. I giggled. He said the funniest things sometimes.

*Time Skip*

"Here it is. All the kryptonite on Earth, encased in lead. I trust you'll do the right thing, Superman," J'onn said as he handed Clark a huge container of Kryptonite.

"Thank you. I'm going to miss you, Winn," Clark said.

"Oh! Next time, let's... Let's... Let's really hang out," Winn stuttered.

"Yeah. Alex. I will do everything I can to find Jeremiah, I promise."

"Thank you," Alex said as Clark turned to look at his cousin.

"Khao-shuh," Kara said.

"What... What's that mean?" Asked Winn.

"There's not really a word for it in your language," Clark started to explain. "I guess the closest thing would be..."To be continued"? I love you, Kara."

"I love you too, Kal."

"It was great working with you and getting to know you Thunderbolt," Clark said as he hugged me. I trembled as I felt the spark as I clung to him. Man he smelled good. I felt sad that he was leaving. It took everything I had not to beg him to stay. Ugh, I hated that feeling though. It made me feel like I was weak for not wanting him to leave.

*Time Skip*

"I know what it's like to be a stranger on this planet. So when you wake up, I'll be here for you. So, you never know what it's like to be alone," Kara said and her and I sat next to the stranger in the med bay. I reached forward to place a lavender scented towel on his forehead when he shot forward in bed with a gasp and took one look at me before wrapping his hands around my neck. I gasped as I felt more sparks of electricity race around my neck everywhere the stranger's hands made contact with my skin. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at me.

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