Chapter Fourteen

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Athena's POV

"Okay, listen. I know that you're all scared. But we're going to find a way out of here. Don't worry," Kara said as she tried to reassure the rest of the people in the cell with us.

"Psst!" Mon-El said. I giggled. Did he really just do that?

"Did you just "Psst"?" Kara asked.

"Yeah. Come here. So, we're stuck in the most dangerous planet in the galaxy. Only Athena has powers, and you're optimistic how?" Mon-El glanced over at me and I grinned, allowing a small spark to form in the palm of my hand only for him and Kara to see.

"Because they need us to be."

"See, this is what I've been telling you. Kara, you know, if you go looking for trouble, you will always find it. And you do. Both you and Athena! You're like the winners at it!" I frowned.

"That's what heroes do. They fight!" Kara said. I frowned she knew how I felt about being called a hero. A real hero wouldn't let filth like Ben and George control their lives for as long as I had and continued to do!

"They don't sit and hide in a bar because it's easier than getting involved," Kara added.

"I'm not hiding, I'm being smart. It's a dangerous universe. And why do you have to be the one who saves everyone every time?"

"Because our worlds may have been destroyed, but we were spared for a reason," Kara said. I ignored that since it didn't apply to me.

"Ah, luck."

"I refuse to believe that. I believe you keep fighting...Whether you're stuck on another world, whether or not you have your powers, you never give in. That's the difference between you and me."

"It's time to go, Earthlings." I hissed as the doctor from before showed up. Kara and I immediately strode forward to protect everyone else in the cell.


"No." I groaned as both Kara and I were hit in the stomach by the alien weapons the guards were holding. I gasped as I struggled to breath. Those things sure packed a punch!

"Hey, hey!" Mon-El said as he went forward to try and pull the guard away from me. He got punch in the face for his efforts.

"Move!" The doctor said again as Kara and I stood back up to face him.

"No." We said again and of course we got hit with those weapons again. I moaned as I struggled to sit back up, making eye contact with Mon-El as I did. He seemed extremely conflicted as he stared at me in horror.

"Hit them again," I heard the doctor say. Kara and I both cried out as the guards hit us again.

"Let's go!" I heard Izzy shout to the others. I looked up as suddenly everyone was fighting the guards. Mon-El strode forward and punched the guard who had been attacking me, then bent down and gently helped me to my feet.

"You didn't give up, so neither will we," I heard Izzy saying to Kara. Aww.

"Thank you," I mumbled to Mon-El as I leaned against him.

"Let's get them in the cell!" Kara stated.

"And you can stand right there!" Mon-El said as he pointed to a spot on the floor for Roulette. I grinned and fist bumped him (Me and Winn had taught him that when we had first gone out drinking).

"Well, now what?" Izzy asked.

"Now we get the hell out of here. Go, go!" Kara said to everyone.

"Move, move, move!" I cried out as we started running down the halls.

"Come on, we gotta hurry. Through here. This way. Come on, go, go!" I hear Kara saying as Mon-El and I snagged some of the alien weapons and started shooting as we brought up the rear.

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