Chapter Twenty One

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(Summary: ok I'm going to kinda flashforward a bit to the capture the flag game for those who know the book version though the movie does that as well - I'm going to mainly be going based off of the movie script since it'll be faster to get through the scenes though the movies took out the part where the symbol appears over their heads when they get claimed and the movie made it to where Percy knows immediately that he is Poseidon's son so I'm going to draw it out a little; also spoiler alert, yes Thalia is Zeus's daughter but she wasn't conceived by conventional means so she has more than one mother which she will discover when she gets 4 symbols above her head in this following scene! Hope you guys don't mind if I end up adding a little twist but since soulmates exist I'm gonna make it to where Zeus has 3 soulmates that he keeps a secret from anyone who isn't a god themselves so that no one will try to use them to get to him.)

Thalia's POV

"This is always a fun game to watch!" Grover said as he rejoined us as we were herded into the woods after having put on battle armor.

"God, how do you guys wear this stuff? It weighs more than me." I rolled my eyes at Percy before snapping a quick photo and sending it to the main group chat I had made with a message saying "he reminds me of Mon-El when he first started out!" Percy was included in the chat so he would eventually see the message but for now we were going to be busy.

"Look, trust me. Wear it or you'll get killed."

"Wait. What? What? Wait..." I grinned at the stuttering Percy.

"Heroes! Warriors! Fall in! Hustle, hustle Dylan, Paris, stop lollygagging! Percy, Thalia. Step forward. This is Percy Jackson and Thalia! They are going to need a team," Chiron said.

"We'll take them," I glanced over at the tall blonde boy who stepped forward.

"I'm Luke. Son of Hermes and camp leader. Not necessarily in that order. Where's your helmets?" He said as he looked us over.

"I won't need one," I said with a wicked grin.

"No one gave me one," Percy said.

"Chiron, you still got your wheelchair? Kid's gonna need it!" Luke joked. "You're a goner, man. I'm messing with you. Smile a little bit. It's good for you, kid. Anybody got an extra helmet? Please pass it up. Try it on. That'll protect you. So will all of us. Welcome to the Blue Soldiers, friends," Luke said. I smiled at him and shook his hand.

"All right! Everyone in position for Capture the Flag! First team to capture the enemy's banner wins. Dismissed!" Chiron shouted.

"Percy, Thalia, I know where the flag's at. Come on! Keep your eyes open. Don't get killed!" Luke shouted as we followed him into battle. I had to admit this was kind of fun! It was amazing  to be training in this way, definitely nothing that the DEO would have thought to do. The armor and helmets definitely screamed Greek though which added another element of adventure to the whole thing.

So far, I hadn't needed to use any of my powers so I just used my new bow and arrow and quickly discovered that I had perfect aim. How cool! Was this just innate skill? Or another power of mine? It reminded me of Artemis but seeing as she was famously a virgin there was no way she could be my mom.

"I'm coming, buddy, I'm coming! Sons of Ares. Watch out!" I heard Luke cry out as he ran to Percy who had survived so far by being quick on his feet. "Whoa, that's a sword! That's a sword!"

"You guys take camp way too seriously!" Percy shouted as I ran up to the two of them.

"Go! Percy, Thalia, get out of here! Go look for the flag!" Luke screamed at us. We ran forward but were stopped by two more red helmets. Percy managed to actually take his out.

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