Chapter Twelve

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Athena's POV

"Henshaw stole the virus's formula from the Fortress of Solitude, which means Cadmus can make as much of the virus as they want," Kara said as she filled us in on what she had learned about the Medusa Virus.

"An unstoppable bio-weapon that kills every alien except Kryptonians. The news just gets better and better," J'onn said.

"Well, that explains why Mon-El is still alive. Kryptonians and Daxamites share similar DNA," Alex said.

"So, he'll recover?" I asked with a sigh of relief.

"His immune system is battling the virus and he is fighting hard. But without a cure, the infection will win," Eliza said. I frowned.

"Well, here's everything I found on the virus at the Fortress," Kara said as she handed over a flash drive.

"Mom and I will get to work on it right away. We'll find a way to combat it!" Alex reassured us. I followed them since I wanted to be as close to the action as possible.

I had to stop myself from tearing up as Eliza and Alex had a moment where she finally told her mom she was gay and her mom was nothing but supportive. Aww how touching. I was so lucky to have these women in my life. All I had to do was wait a few more months until my 18th birthday and I would be free of Ben and George and able to truly live my life.

*Time Skip*

"Hey!" I greeted Mon-El as Kara and I went to go check up on him.

"Hey. Did you learn a new power where you can duplicate yourself?" He asked me. "Because I'm seeing two of you and it's really cool."

"No. No, sorry. No new powers. Just...I think the double vision is all you." I chuckled nervously as I worried over him.

"Oh, so I have a new power?" He said with a grin.


"Your Earth mother, Eliza, she thinks I'm dying," Mon-El said to Kara. "I might not have your hearing, but mine's pretty good."

"She's gonna find a cure," she replied as I sat down on the edge of Mon-El's bed.

"It's okay. I've, uh...I've cheated death more times than anyone should."

"It's not okay, you shouldn't be dying. The only reason you are dying is because of my family!" Kara exclaimed as I felt myself tearing up.

"Eliza did her best!"

"No. Not her. My birth father created Medusa. He's the reason you are in so much pain, and he's the reason that I can't do anything about it."

"And I should be able to heal you! I can heal everyone and almost anything!" I said as I scolded myself. I was not used to feeling so helpless let alone caring about someone so much. I had never lost anyone I cared about before and the thought of it happening scared me more than I realized.

"You know, you look beautiful, with the weight of all these worlds on your shoulder," Mon-El said to me as he leaned forward and tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You don't have to make me feel better," I started to say but before I could finish, he had leaned forward and kissed me. I froze, though not before I found myself kissing him back.

"Yeah. Absolutely beautiful," he commented before he passed out.

*Time Skip*

"I know you're upset about what's happening to you, but I'm not gonna let you go on some kamikaze mission!" I exclaimed as Kara and I tried to talk J'onn out of leaving the DEO.

"Kara, Athena, if I die, I want to die as myself. Fighting for what I believe in. Not as some mutant horror show. Let me share the fate of my alien brothers and sisters, come what may."

I frowned but eventually Kara and I agreed. We didn't have much time and though I didn't know if I would be effected or not I was willing to run the risk if it meant helping to save the Aliens in the city, not to mention Mon-El.

*Time Skip*

"Am I dead? Is this heaven?" I giggled as I watched Mon-El wake up.

"No," I replied.

"We were able to reverse engineer a cure from a living sample of the virus," Eliza said.

"And when my mother says "we," she really means "she." Alex added. "But Winn, Athena, and I watched enthusiastically!" She added.

"While this is good news, it gets even better. The Medusa virus was so easily weaponized I was able to turn it against a common enemy, J'onn's White Martian blood cells," Eliza told us. I grinned as we watched J'onn transform.

"J'onn! You look great!" Kara and I said as we went to hug him.

"I feel great. Thank you, Eliza."

"My pleasure."

"I'm so glad you're okay!" I said as I went back over to Mon-El.

"Yeah. Me, too. I don't know what you would have done without me," he said as he grinned at me.

"So, are we gonna...Talk about what happened?" I whispered.

"Yes. Yes, I want to hear all about how you and Kara chased that missile down."

"No, I mean, are we gonna talk about what happened between us while you were dying?" I clarified. My face turning red.

"I... What? What happened? What did I do?" I stared at him unsure of whether or not he actually remembered or not.

"Uh...You drooled," I finally said, chickening out at the last minute. I thought I felt a pang of sadness that didn't belong to me but the feeling was gone as soon as it came.

"I...No." He said.

"You drooled all over yourself!" I confirmed. I mean he had, so it wasn't like I was making it up I just wasn't mentioning him kissing me or me kissing back.

"That's bad. But, that, that was... That was it?" He asked looking at me carefully. I frowned and shifted on my feet as I played with my hair.

"Yeah, that was it."


"Well, get some rest!" I said before rushing out of the room.

*Time Skip*

(Summary: Kara goes back to her place to find Barry and Cisco at her apartment and goes off to help them - since I haven't actually watched that episode of the flash or if I did I don't remember it all that well and because I don't have any of my subscriptions any more and haven't purchased the show yet on its own I'm just gonna skip that whole bit and so unfortunately Athena won't be joining Kara and Barry on that adventure but let's just say that at some point Barry asks Kara how Athena has been doing and she fills him in on her suspicions about Mon-El being another one of her soulmates (at this point she HAS finally told Superman, but now it's up to Barry to fill in the rest of the team).

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