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"So you're... Nyx's twin sister?" Jace asked sceptically, arms crossed and eyebrow raised.

Alysha gave him a withering look from across the table. "No. I'm her older sister. We just have really strong genes." She gestured with a wide hand to her face, before dropping it back down to her lap. Her eyes crept over to the side to shoot Evelyn an aggravated look.

"Uh huh." Jace said slowly. "And do you know where she is now?"

"No, I do not." Alysha was looking at him with wide eyes. "But if you do find her, let me know where she is and I'll deal with her."

Jace shared a look with Alec, who was beside him. Then Alec spoke up. "How much older is older?"

"Older." Alysha said in frustrated tone, drawing out the word. "I don't really count birthdays- Daddy would owe me a backlog of gifts." She huffed audibly and kneeded her eyes with the heels of her palms. Then she dropped her hands again. She spoke in a small voice; very soft, like a child in trouble. "Look. She's not bad. She's not. She's the most wonderful person I know. She's just... young. And naive." She lowered her eyes. "Leave her to me. I'll deal with her."

To her benefit, Jace looked physically awkward at her display. "We don't think she's bad." He tried to reassure. "We suspect she's just caught up in something she doesn't understand. The man she's with... He's dangerous."

"I know." She said. "I just want my sister."

Suddenly, there was an urgent shout. "She's escaped!"

Someone was running at them down the hall, and then Salome burst into the space, looking around at them all with crazy eyes. Her face shifted into an expression of delight when she laid eyes upon Alysha. "It's you!"

As if physically repulsed, Alysha leapt up out of her seat, moving around the side of the table so it was between her and the intruder. "Get away!"

Moments later, Isabelle ran in, seconds behind, trying to wrangle the situation.

Salome moved towards Alysha. "It's you! It's really you!" She reached towards Alysha's hands. "I saw your sister, I did. I saw her-"

There was an ear-splitting smack. Alysha had hit Salome across the face. She quivered with quiet rage as she raised her finger to the warlock. "You do not touch me." Burning venom in her voice she turned to the Shadowhunters. "Keep your prisoners under control. Get her out of here."

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