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At the sound of Nyx's fearful scream, he burst out of his office and charged down the stairs towards the commotion in the kitchen.

The first thing he saw was Nyx, in a defensive stance in front of the baby, staring at the window, a long blade in hand. Grizelda herself seemed unfased, but chirruped as he entered and pointed with a pudgy finger towards the window.

"What happened?" He asked urgently.

"Draugr." Nyx rasped. "It was looking at us through the window!"

In quick strides, he crossed over to the window; muttering almost more to himself through his teeth. "Really? But we're supposed to be hidden-"

"It was there." Nyx said firmly. Zelda gave a little nod. She was sucking on her fingers, looking back and forth between the two adults, trying to figure out from them how she should react.

He pushed open the window and looked out. The creature was long gone; it had bolted when Nyx had yelled. He frowned. "Something definitely seems to have been here." He could see the impression of where its body had been on the ground outside. On the window glass, there was a filthy smudge, like the print of a hand.

Swiftly, he withdrew and shut the window; still frowning to himself. "Huh. I'll have to figure something out." This was not good. Not good at all.

Concerned, he stepped towards Nyx and the baby, visually checking them all over to make sure they were okay. It hadn't got them; it hadn't even got in- but it could, there was always the chance it could.

His gaze came to rest on the blade in Nyx's hand; and his brow moved into an expression of confusion. "But what I want to know is," He prowled towards her. When he was close, he gently took hold of her wrist and lifted it to look at the weapon; just a bit smaller than any sword one would think of, with its ornate, crucifix handle. "... Where did you get this?"

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