The Time Before Opening

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"Hey." Jerry said, sidling up to Katherine in the bar just before opening for the day.

"You're not my type."

"You don't know what I was going to say." Jerry huffed, pulling a sulky expression.

Katherine chuckled, shaking her head. "Just putting it out there so you know where we stand. I'm sure you're very attractive to the right kind of women, but seriously, not my type."

"Fair enough." He shrugged. "You're straight forwards. I like that."

"Jerry. I'm serious. Besides, I have my eye on someone."

"Oh yeah?" He grinned. "Who?"

"No one you know." Katherine laughed.
Drawing away from the conversation, she wandered up the bar to where Travis was sitting scrolling through his phone. Curiously, she peered over his shoulder. "What's your surname?"


"Is your surname L'Ange? I heard Declan mention it yesterday. It's just... I think I know one of your family members. A sister of yours, maybe?"

"... Selene?" Travis offered. "Tall, gorgeous blonde woman. Werewolf "

"Uh... No." Katherine said. "Nyx. The cute lady-detective."

"Wait!" Travis started. "You know Nyx? Do you know where she is? Have you seen her recently?"

"... Depends on how soon you consider recently. I last saw her at the Asylum during the mass breakout. We offered her a lift, but she insisted on going off on her own. In hindsight, I shouldn't have let her do that. I don't think she seemed quite alright."

Travis groaned despairingly, burying his head in his hands." We shouldn't have sent her. We should have delt with it ourselves." Pulling his head out of his hands, he turned to face her with a quizzical expression on his face. "Hang on, what were you there for?"

"Pyromania and extreme aggressive tendencies." She replied honestly. "The mental hospital was my only choice really. If I got pulled into a mundane police station one more time I was going to be in serious trouble."

"... And now?" Travis said warily.

"Much better." Katherine smiled. She thought for a moment before speaking again. "You should talk to Doctor Montgomery. He'd know more about what was going on with your sister."

"We tried. He's not talking." Travis took a draught of the drink in front of him, then swallowed quickly. "I think he's moved house now, as well."

"I stole his car." Katherine sniggered. "Oh yeah, I'm also a decent pickpocket. Lifted his keys first opportunity."

There was a pause between them and then she sighed, as if coming upon another idea. "Well... There is someone else you could talk to, but I don't know if you'll think it's a good idea." Travis looked intrigued, so she continued. "There was this witch in solitary. She... knows stuff."

"Salome?" Travis asked incredulously. Katherine nodded.
Travis picked up his drink, looking thoughtfully into the dark liquid. "She's on Declan's list."

Did I seriously just introduce a character into this book that I have yet to write into The Birdcage? I mean, who does that? XD
Bet you're all intrigued now!

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