Out Like A Light

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The baby was so sweet when she was asleep. Nyx smiled at the tiny girl as she carried her up the stairs; Grizelda was snoring soundly, her little mouth hanging open, much more relaxed now she was sleeping.

Upon reaching the landing, she approached the room that had been decided earlier that day would serve as the nursery, and they had worked to adequately set up around lunch time whilst the child had napped in the baby carrier. It was the only time that day he had really left the office room; after sequestering himself away up there since the early morning, he'd reappeared only to go out and return with a crib.

Nyx unstrapped Grizelda with ease, the lack of resistance the baby gave to being held quite enjoyable after the challenge she'd been to Nyx all day. The baby was warm and soft in her arms, and Nyx allowed herself to enjoy the feel of the child against her for a moment; letting herself forget the strangeness of the girl throughout the day in favour of how innocent and peaceful she seemed now.

Quickly, Nyx transferred her into the crib, laying her gently against the mattress. It wasn't her baby; and whilst she was looking after her as such for the moment, she couldn't afford to get attached so- not really. With a final glance at the snoozing baby to assure she was alright, Nyx exited into the hallway, pulling the door to behind her.

Crossing the hall, she approached his office door, raising a hand and knocking quietly on the wood. There was the sound of movement behind the door, a click of the lock and then the door opened and there he stood.

Nyx gave a soft smile, suddenly coming over all fluttery as he looked at her. "Hi."

He smiled back, amused. "Hello."

She cleared her throat slightly, trying to remember what she was going to say. "Uh... I've put Grizelda down to sleep now. She's fine;   went out like a light."

"Good." He said gladly. "I hope today wasn't too strenuous."

"It was... an experience." Nyx confessed. "She doesn't really like to be touched. And she stares... a lot."

He thought about it, taking the information on board before giving a small shrug. "She's probably just adjusting."

"Maybe..." Nyx mused, before dropping the subject in favour of something else instead. "You didn't come down for dinner today."

"Oh, I wasn't hungry. I can always get something later."

"Oh, okay." Nyx nodded meekly; and then felt awkward when the conversation quickly fell into silence.

He seemed to sense it to, and with an apologetic smile, reached out a hand to cup her face; stroking his thumb softly across her cheekbone before leaning forwards and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Goodnight." And drawing back into the room, he closed the door.
It took Nyx a minute, just standing there in confusion.

What the heck was THAT?


Nyx awoke in the middle of the night, all sweat and tears and adrenaline caught in a tangle of blankets. Reaching out, she searched for his soothing presence... but was surprised to find no one was there.

Up top is a picture of somewhat how I imagine Grizelda's nursery (Although it might be in a more basic stage at the moment due to it only just being put together.)
Anyway, vote and comment your thoughts on the chapter! XD

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