The Lord and Lady of Light

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The next morning Aragorn awoke to the sun shining brightly in his face. Getting up, he saw Hador and Andreth sitting nearby. They had a small array of food laid out, namely Lembas bread and what looked to be water, but upon tasting, one sip was more refreshing than a gallon of water to a dying man.

After he had eaten and drunk his fill, Aragorn was guided forth by the two elves. On and on they walked, crossing the Celebrant, and swiftly traveling till they had reached the city of Lothlorien, Caras Galadhon. Up the road they traveled, and over the bridge, always up, until they entered into the city. Up many stairs did they travel, till at last, as the sun was setting, did they reach the halls of the Lady Galadriel and the Lord Celeborn. 

Entering reverently into the halls, Aragorn felt shame at the bedraggled appearance he still held as clothing could not be mended overnight as a weary body. More awed was he still when he beheld the Lord and Lady that had accepted him into their borders.

Tall as he was, they were taller still, clothed in white that reflected the green and gold decorations of the room. With a calming voice, the Lady Galadriel spoke to him, "Elensíla lúmenn' omentielvo Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the descendant of Isildur. Word of your exploits may not have traveled far as you often go in secret, but knowledge of the many battles you have fought against Sauron has reached us, and we laud you for this."

"Thank you, my lady," Aragorn responded bowing courteously.

At this, the Lady Galadriel smiled a smile that lit the room with its dazzling brilliance. "You have earned the respect of my son-in-law Elrond many years ago. My respect you have as well." Motioning delicately with a perfectly formed hand, she motioned to a Lady in waiting that stood to the side. The woman stepped forward, holding in her hands, clothing that was not made for mortals to wear. It was infused with the life and vitality of the elves.

"To you, Aragorn son of Arathorn I gift this clothing. You are free to explore the vastness of Laurelindórenan, but wander not too far."

With these words of warning echoing in his mind as he walked out, Aragorn quickly slipped into a private place to put on the clothing provided for him. Clothing of white and grey had been provided for him in the manner of the elves as well as a gem to bound across his brow. Lastly in the bundle was a razor. After dressing himself in the clothing of the elves and ridding himself of the unkempt beard that had covered his face, Aragorn looked entirely different from when he had first come into Lothlorien.

As he stepped out Andreth quietly commented that he looked more like an elven- lord instead of an exiled king. Smiling, Aragorn bent down wordlessly and removed the heavy leather boots that covered his feet before walking lightly away to admire the beauty that was the city of Caras Galadhon.

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