Chapter 1: The Day of Unity

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Witches. They were seen as tricksters and evil masterminds. People who ate children of all living creatures, or witches were in the evil overlord category, and wanted to take over the world with their magic.

There was a world where all of that was true. There were good witches and of course, bad witches. We're going to be meeting a good witch today.

Her name? Luz Noceda. The Wild Witch of Bonesburrow...despite only being 16 years old.

Where was Bonesburrow? In a realm where all myths were true. A realm made out of the corpse of a deadly monster known as The Titan.

But as for Luz? She was the most wanted criminal in The Boiling Isles, but just for thinking of the lesser folks. She stole, but only to help people. She used all forms of magic, but only to rebel against The Emperor. She adopted a demon...okay, that part was good all around.

Today? This is Luz's story.

Luz flew across the air, gripping the wood of her brown staff as her cape blew in the wind. She then slowly floated downwards until she made it near the ground.

She then let go of the staff and stepped off, her boots hitting the ground. Luz sighed before grabbing her staff from its floating position and then walked deeper into the red and orange forest. She looked behind her for a few seconds before continuing her way.

Eventually? She made it to a cave. Sadly, her current home. But it was so hidden in The Whispering Woods, that no guard of The Emperor's Coven were competent enough to go.

"King?" Luz cried as she gently set her staff down. "King! I'm home!"

"LUZ!" A voice suddenly cried and a little furry creature ran out of the shadows of the cave. They had gray fur, which was dirty and scruffy, with their fluffy tail just as dirty and unclean. And finally, they had a demon's skull for a head, with one of their horns half gone, almost like it was chopped off or just snapped off.

Luz smiled and knelt down, opening her arms wide. "Come here, you little cutie pie!"

King ran into Luz's arms, his tail wagging rapidly as he hugged her. "I'm not your cutie pie..." He pouted, but hugged her tighter.

Luz smiled and kissed his forehead. "Then why are you still hugging me?"

"Because I missed you!" King pouted again, cuddling his small body onto Luz's lap.

"Annnnd you're my cutie pie!" Luz protested, nuzzling him. Whenever she managed to escape impending doom or The Emperor's Coven or had to steal from them, she would always walk to her cave and then find her little King running into her arms. It always brought a bigger smile to her face.

She was an optimistic person, always seeing the good in bad situations. And her finding King was easily the best time of her life...ever since the death of the other Wild Witches and the rest of her family.

"NO, I'M NOT! I'm the King of Demons!!! And one day, when we defeat The Emperor, I will take his throne and rule over the Boiling Isles with an iron fist! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!" King laughed, raising his hands into the air. But even his evil laugh was adorable.

Luz wasn't at all terrified, instead her heart just swelled. "Alright, m'lord. Let's get deeper into the cave, okay?"

"YES! I AM YOUR LORD!" King said with a wide smile. For some odd reason, ever since he was a pup, he saw himself as this almighty 'King of Demons'. Luz was never sure why, but she didn't mind. King talked about destruction and anarchy, but he never meant it.

Luz laughed, raising her hand and her staff flying into her palm. She then scooped up King with her other arm and stood. "So! What did you do while I was gone?"

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