Chapter 12: King of Titans

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After a three sided Witches' Duel, Luz was happy to be home. But not just because she had survived Grom without facing her worst fear.

Tomorrow was the big day. The day she cherished with all her heart. King's adoption.

She remembered the day like it was yesterday. And she would NEVER forget it.

Luz was 5 years old, and just skipping rocks across a pond. She giggled as she grabbed another stone and skipped it across the lake.

Sadly though, the stone sunk at the third skip.

Luz pouted before shrugging and was about to head back home until she heard...whimpers.

"Hello?" Luz called out, cupping her pointy ear to try and see if anyone responded.

The whimpers only grew, but no response.

Luz then ran across the weeds, heading the whimpers get louder and louder until they were as loud as ever. She looked around, but whatever the source was, it wasn't left, right, or up.

So? She looked down and then gasped.

There was a tiny creature there. Black fur, a tiny and fluffy tail, and a skull either attached or on top of its head. They had horns, but one of them was broken.

The piece was on the ground.

The creature almost looked like it was...crying.

Luz quickly knelt down. "Hey, friend. Do you have an owie?"

The creature looked at Luz, and whimpered, but not in fear. It suddenly hopped onto Luz's lap, seeking comfort.

Luz smiled softly and then picked up the puppy. "Don't worry! Everything okay! Mama will help you get better!"

She took the little pup to her mother later that day, and long story short? They adopted him, despite not knowing what he actually was.

Luz then made a collar for the little creature. The creature thought it was a crown, and wore it as a headband.

Luz laughed. "It's not a crown! You're silly!"

The creature smiled before the collar fell off. The creature pouted, but Luz held him close.

"It goes like this!" She said, gently wrapping the collar around his neck.

The creature gasped and then cuddled up on Luz's lap again, his tail wagging rapidly.

After a while? Luz personally gave him a name and used her magic to engrave the name on the creature's collar.


"Luz! Luz!" King cried, lightly shaking her. "It's the day!"

Luz's eyes snapped open and she smiled, standing out of her bed and spinning King around in her arms. "Happy Adoption Anniversary!~" She sang.

King smiled and laughed. "Yes! Yes! It's my day!"

"The day I found you with your cute little body!" Luz giggled, tickling King's stomach.

King laughed and laughed. "Stop it! Hahaha!"

"Alright, alright." Luz smiled as she gently set King down. "There! Now, let's get breakfast, shall we?"

King smiled and nodded, following his owner down the stairs, and then crawled onto a chair.

Luz went into the kitchen, deciding to make King some waffles, since she wasn't an expert at cooking or baking.

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