Winter Solstice

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Lucius and Aria had spent another day in California before  they made their way back home to England and back to the comforts of  their Manor. Lucius had truly enjoyed spending time in California with  Aria, getting to know her parents and her past, but he couldn't help the  feeling of immense comfort at being back home. It had been so many  decades of feeling so uncomfortable, so cold, in his Manor, that it was  always such a surprise now at how much he looked forward to coming back  home and just being free with Aria to do as they pleased and to live  happily.

The only room that had still seemed tainted was the  drawing room, and if Lucius could magically eliminate that room from his  Manor and his life, he would have been only too happy. However, as the  first day of the month of December came, Lucius' mind and heart about  the room couldn't help but change slightly as he saw the warmth and love  Aria had put into the room. The whole day the young, bright witch  happily began decorating the entire Manor for the upcoming Christmas  holiday. Everywhere she could, she had strung beautiful fresh pine  garlands and had enchanted romantic, soft glowing lights to sparkle and  shine amongst the greenery.

Magically made ornaments in brilliant  shades of gold and silver hung all about and the typically darker  hallways of the Manor gleamed with holiday cheer and light, even Lucius  himself, who usually detested Christmas, couldn't help but slightly  smile at how much Aria adored Christmas.

That  December 1st, the morning that Aria had gone on her decorating spree,  she had awoken Lucius by cuddling up close to his body and kissing him  all over. As he turned to her groggily, but with a smile on his face, he  saw the excitement in her eyes as she immediately asked him if they  could go cut down some trees in the forest that bordered his home to use  as Christmas trees for the Manor. Lucius had protested at first, saying  he absolutely abhorred Christmas, but he couldn't deny the pout of her  lips and the puppy-dog eyes she gave him, and so with a sigh, he of  course acquiesced to her request; he would never deny her of anything  she truly desired.

And so, as the first light dustings of snow  began to fall from the sky, the couple had walked hand in hand, across  the vast gardens of the Malfoy Estate, and into the nearby forest, which  had an ancient air about it; an ancient air that was full of magic. The  two didn't have to wander far, as Aria had spotted her three perfect  trees immediately. They were each about twelve feet tall, and were such a  vibrant green, they reminded Lucius of Aria's equally as vibrant eyes.

Lucius  smirked at her enthusiasm as she pointed at the trees that she desired,  and with a swish of his wand, the three trees were cut perfectly at the  base and levitated in mid-air so that Lucius could have the trees  follow them magically back...

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Lucius  smirked at her enthusiasm as she pointed at the trees that she desired,  and with a swish of his wand, the three trees were cut perfectly at the  base and levitated in mid-air so that Lucius could have the trees  follow them magically back into the Manor. Aria had offered to help  levitate the trees, as levitating objects could surprisingly be very  taxing, however, he simply shook his head and smiled as he lead the way  back to the Manor. Aria followed him along, giddy and smiling the whole  way, her excitement only being enhanced by her first real snowfall  experience. Aria had told Lucius once that she had never been to the  snow, or even seen actual snow, something which practically made his  brain explode with shock when she had told him, however after their Los  Angeles trip, he could see how snow never would be possible in a place  like that.

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