Ensign Baker x reader

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This was a request from Mel. Mel wanted some angst so!!! I hope you like it. Going to do another Baker story for GimmieThatRn soon!

Song: Dear Wormwood- The Oh Hellos, Light- Sleeping at Last


Setauket was always home to you, you grew up here, it was home, a safe place. Then as a teenager your father left home never to return and your mother drank herself to death before your eighteenth birthday. You no longer felt safe, comfort or at home. You dealt with it, expected more to come but you never imagined war, let alone for it to move into your home. Soldiers left and right, it was upsetting. You made the best of it however. You would smile and talk to the men, make them baked goods from your bakery in town. Make Setauket feel like home for them too as it was for you. 

There was one man, one soldier in particular that caught your eye, a kind man with the friendliest and most heart warming of smiles. Ensign Baker. You thought it cute his last name matched your profession. He took post by the docking pier, you would see him there every morning on your way to work. "Morning!" you would cheer. "Morning Miss [y/l/n]" the men would say, Baker slightly stuttered every time, clearly nervous, he seemed a but timid and shy but you soon found he just had taken a liking to you. You took a liking to him aswell. 

As time passed on you would talk to him more and more often, conversations got longer. You were reading a book one day and he asked you about it the next day and listened to you talk for an hour about it. He came up to you one day with just three flowers in hand. "You look lovely today Miss [y/l/n]. Have a great evening." he returned to his post. 

You got to the point that you wanted to see more of him. He warmed your heart and made you feel safe and a since of comfort you had long ago lost. You invited him to go on walks with you when he had the time to do so. On one of these walks you found that he was an orphan and wanted to one day have a family of his own. You could see the sorrow in his eyes when he was talking about his childhood. You told him about your father and mother and how you too once had the hope of husband and family but no longer wanted that once both your parents left the picture, you were so sure about being alone, a spinster. You looked to the man before you and took his hand. You told him how he made you feel like you could have that dream again.

He truly made you smile and feel like you again. You approached your bakery carrying a bag of new sugar you purchased, ready to start another day.

"Miss [y/l/n]!" Ensign Baker cheered, you turn around to face him, hand holding your bag of sugar low as he ran up to you. "Mr. Baker?" You ask, he was red, flush to the face. You didn't know if he was running to you or red from embarrassment. "Are you alright?" The man stood tall before you. He took gulp and breath. "I would like to ask you to- to accompany me to- to- to a dinner at White Hall, tomorrow night." You smiled ear to ear and felt pink rise to your face. "Yes." you walked closer to him. "I would love to accompany you to White Hall tomorrow for dinner." you then saw the biggest smile bloom on his face, he looked shyly to the ground for a second or two and fiddled with his fingers before looking back to you hands to his side and bow to you. "I shall meet you at your bakery tomorrow, thirty minutes to seven."

"See you then, Mr. Baker." you bow your head. He smiles again and softy waves goodbye before rushing off to a friend of his you now notice had been looking. He smiled and slapped Baker on the back, must be congratulating him on asking you to join him. Good friend. All day in the bakery you could stop getting that moment out of your head. You had been on so many walks, why would he be so embarrassed to ask you to dinner. You decided you would make a batch of small mini pies to bring to the dinner. Maybe make extra small pies on the side for just Baker. You then realized, all this time and the two of you were still on a formal basis. Last names. You were gonna change that at once. Tomorrow. 

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