Male Reader x Hamilton

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[A/N] I am currently working on Turn boys reaction to your death part 2, but that is going to take a long while so I wanted to write something different. You are a doctor in camp and can't help but fall for a man in camp named Alexander Hamilton. Enjoy?! Maybe?

Warning! Sad! Feels!

You watched Hamilton as he stood on the end of the isle, Eliza walked down.
You were happy to see Hamilton in love, to be with someone, you were sad it wasn't you. But, Eliza was truest something special, she's kind, smart, sweet, beautiful, a wonderful bride and woman... you thought to yourself. You had also grown a friendship with Eliza, she loved him...dearly. Deeply.
"I do." Spoke Hamilton
"I do." Smiled Eliza
I don't...
You exited your tent and looked to see John Lauren's outside your text with a worried face. "John? What's the matter?"
"I'm going to duel."
"Duel? Duel who!?"
"Charles Lee." He smirks
"Oh great!"
"We need you to be the doctor..."
"No." You walk back into your tent, John follows you inside. "You are the only doctor Hamilton and I trust to save our skins...if I'm shot."
You turn and look John dead in the eye. "Okay." You pick up a medical bag. "So, lets duel that coward." You walk out the tent with John and the two of you sneak out to the dueling ground. You see Hamilton and Burr sitting, they quickly stand and Charles Lee walks up from the brush of the woods.
"Lee do you yield?!"
"You shot him in the side YES HE YIELDS!"
Lee has been shot by John. Washington comes and looks at Lee bleeding. Washington takes Hamilton away to...inside...
"Hamilton is in some trouble." John mumbles
"Yeah..." you whisper. Burr calls you over to help Lee.
You fix Lee up and leave your tent, you see Hamilton leaving camp. "Alexander!" You call. "What happened?"
"I'm going home. That's so unfair. Why doesn't he send Lee home?!"
"I don't know Alex, but..." you don't know what to say. "Say hi to the Mrs' for me." You smile, your heart aches. "I will." Hamilton smiles.
The battle is won! The war is over! You cry for the glory of victory. You cry for the loss of a great friend.
You sit at home and farm.
You go into town to sell the  cabbages and lettuce you grow. You begin home and come to see Eliza at your door.
"[Y/N]!" She runs to hug you. She pulls back and hands you a letter. "Alexander and I wish for you to visit! Alex had pressing matters to discuss with you and I was hoping you could spend time with our son. After all you helped me pick the name."
"I would love to, How could I not? After all he is my nephew!" You hug Eliza.  She was like family now. "I will come as soon as I can."
"Oh good! See you soon [Y/N]!"
You wanted to see Alexander. You packed a bag and ran to Eliza's coach. "Eliza! Does this coach have room?"
Eliza smiles. "It does." Her face shows a hint of blush. "I will have you know, my husband told me you call him by his last name when you are upset or angry with him. Is that true?"
"It is." You chuckle. "I only called him Hamilton two times. Once when he tried to pick a fight with me when he was drunk and the second when he wanted me to stop being a doctor and join him in writing about congress and what not."
"I heard you are not just a doctor anymore, a farmer too."
"I am. It's been a long time sense I've seen Alexander. How long?"
"Long enough. So long Phillip is turning nine by the time we get back. Angelica will be joining us in a few days."
"I have to get the kid something for his birthday then!" You smile.
You arrive at Alexander's home, Eliza walks in and the first thing you see is Phillip looking at a paper, his face shows struggle. "Phillip! This is uncle [Y/N]."
You sit next to him.
A poem
"I'm working on a poem for dad. I can't seem to find the right wording."
You pick up the paper and smile. "Try this." You write on the paper as Eliza looks over your shoulder and giggles. "Read it."
"you can wright rhymes but you can't wright mine?" Phillip smiles "I love it!" He smiles at you. "I didn't know I had a uncle."
"Oh no! I'm sorry!"
"It's okay Phillip, I isolated myself so it's my fault. I think I'll be visiting more often.
"Eliza?" calls a voice, you know that voice. "Elizaaaaa? I need more ink!"
"In the drawer!" Eliza yells out.
Alex walks around the corner to see you. He stops in his track. "[Y/N]..."
"Good afternoon to you too, Alex." Your heart fills up with light as well as the room. Stomach with butterfly's. "How have you been, Alex? You look like trash. How many bags do you have?"
"I've been working....a lot...all the time."
"I was told you wanted to discuss pressing matters?"
Alex looked to Eliza who just smiled. "I..." He pauses. "I need your help to finish up some documents."
"I will fetch you something to drink, okay boys?" Eliza walked off the the kitchen. You followed Alex to his work room to see piles upon piles of papers. You quickly realized Eliza needed your help...not Alex. "Where do I start?"
"This pile." Alex plopped a hug stack of papers into your arms. "It's a small pile."
You and Alex write for hours on end and talk about the papers. You find you agree on many matters, you made it a race to see who could wright the most documents my lunch time and even walk in the town, bonding together. You found it harder to not confess your love to him. You held yourself together and enjoyed the walks and laughter between papers.
You picked up a paper only to read the first line.
My dearest, Angelica
Your heart sank before seeing more letters, ones from before My dearest Angelica,
"Could the change be caused, because of me?" You whisper. You hear footsteps and lower the papers. You pick up a different pile. "Ready to work, Alex?"
"I am." He smiles at you. You blush. I must be the reason it changed...maybe he does like me?
You stood in the room looking at Phillip stressing over his poem. "My name is Poet. I am a Phillip!"
"Phillip, calm down, you got this." You reassure him. "Pretend you know what you are doing."
"My name is Phillip. I am a poet-" Phillip stopped seeing his mother and father walking into the room. "Daddy! Daddy look!-" he began to read the poem as you stood smiling at Alex. You and Eliza figured it time for Alex to take a break. Angelica walked in and too began to tell Alex to take a break.
"I have to get these plans through Congress..." he mumbled walking away.
You, Angelica, Eliza and her children traveled to her fathers estate, you went needed a break yourself.
You walked down the streets to see people freaking out and gasping at a paper. The wind blew a paper to your leg. You picked it up
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Your heart sank with every word. It cracked with every paragraph, it hallowed at every paranoid moment. You clenched the paper. A single tear fell down your face.
If I am feeling this way...poor Eliza...
You bursted into Alex's office and looked him dead in the eye. "What were you thinking! You could have just said all rumors weren't true instead you exposed yourself and on something no one knew anything about?"
You pulled him up out of his seat by his shirt and bursted into tears. "What will Eliza think! How COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER! TO ME? ELIZA IS THE PERFECT WIFE AND A GOOD PERSON! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?"
"To me?" Alex mumbled
"Out of all that? That's what you heard?!"
"[Y/N], do you-"
"Like you?" You interrupted as you rubbed your eyes, cleaning your red face from your warm tears. "I always have..."
You both stood in silence.
"Angelica will be stopping by soon." You turned your back on him. "Goodbye, Hamilton."
...I never will say 'I do' to you...I say 'no' to you today...Goodbye, Hamilton
[A/N] I don't know what I was thinking with this one. It was suppose to be like satisfied but went all the way to congratulations. I don't know if this was even good or not. Maybe? Decent?
I think I'll do one with John Lauren's x Male Reader next after the Turn one but like better than this one.

Turn: Washington's Spies: HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now