Male Reader x Benjamin Tallmadge: Guess I need a new coat

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[A/N] So this one was just a random idea I had, like what if Tall Boy Benny Ben fell in love with a red coat? But like not a Red Coats wife but like a red coat dude? Make it gay? Yes. Great idea!

You often worked hard and to the best of your ability's. But when you got shot in the leg in battle Clinton sent you home.
You new you had to be out on the field but didn't know how or why. It was just a scream inside you telling you to fight. Your Dad and Mom lived in another state and not wanting to travel far from the battle fields you bought a small home, built for one.
You figured you needed to start making something of yourself, Clinton said he would call you to battle if necessary, you new that would be a long time. Especially because the war seemed to be so long, like it would never end.
You got pigs and a horse. You began growing cabbages and carrots. Figured you could make soup or porridge.
You day was boring. Wake up and cook. Feed the pigs and the horse. Tend to the field. Cook. Tend to field some more. Feed pigs and horse. Cook. Go to bed.
Today started like most days. You ate breakfast and walked out and started to feed the pigs when your horse started to neigh like mad as if he was spooked.
"What is it?" You ran to her trying to calm her. "What is it, Bella?"
You then heard a big thud and turned around to see a man on the ground. He was in poor cloths and was clearly shot. You dragged him inside and tended to his wounds. He was trying to talk. "Quiet Sir, please calm down."
It was like you were talking to the horse, he kept trying to fidget and move. "Sir, please."
You tended to the wound as he passed out. You pulled out the bullet with farming tools and bandaged him up. You dragged him to the bed and took his shirt off to put on better bandages. You left him alone and began work again.
After some time you got water from the well and began making cabbage soup. He woke up. Figured the smell must have woke him up. "You awake, sir?" You asked politely.
"Where am I? Who are you?" He asked as he sat up and rubbed his head.
"Your in (idk man, you pick your fave state of the og 13), My name is [Y/N]. Might I ask your name?"
"My name is," he hesitated. "Lewis, Lewis Copler."
"Well, Mr. Copler, you have been shot. How did that happen?"
"Some locals...they thought I was a spy for General Washington's army."
Your eyes widened. "And are you?"
"No." He quickly responded. "And you? Are you a Quaker? A loyalist? Or?"
"I'm a red coat, I was shot, in the leg. Sent back home. I can barely walk." You limped to him. "Need help up, Mr. Copler?"
He smiled and you helped him up, getting a touch of his muscles. You helped him to sit in his seat. "So, your a red coat? What's battle like?"
You figured he was just a Quaker who was at the wrong place wrong time. Sad he got shot. "Well, if I am to be honest, I love the battle field but I don't know...I want to fight but I can't help but feel it's not...this fight. I am rather confused over it. It's a cry, a call, but I am unable to respond."
"May you be able to one day respond to the cry." He began to dig into the cabbage soup. "I am a...reverend. I have a bible in my bag. Sadly accused."
"That's horrid, Mr. Copler." You looked deep into his blue eyes, his hair looked so soft. You felt your face red a bit. "Shall we pray?" You say uncomfortably, he takes your hand. His hands are warm, tough but soft. You didn't want to let go. You began to feel a warmth inside you. "Amen." You whisper and the two of you continue to eat.
"Mr. Copler, I have work to attend to, will you be fine alone?"
He nodded and you quickly ran to the field. You only felt this feeling once before with another man. You liked him.
The following morning was hot, as you tended to the cabbages and carrots you slowly began to undo your shirt and soon it was off. You turned to the house to see Mr. Copler looking at you. He quickly looked away and walked away from the window.
You noticed he didn't pray much or preach. As the days passed and you two talked you began to feel like he was hiding something. You brush it off, you looked forward to every meal, you held hands for grace and talked.
Tending to his wounds was a special time too, you both where close, vulnerable. You always turned red like a tomato when you cleaned him up. You noticed he would have a bit of pink of his checks. You told yourself no because he was a reverend after all, and two men can't be together.
Today was like any other, you fixed up breakfast for you and Mr. Copler and walked out to feed the pigs and horse. Then the fields. You began collecting carrots when two red coats walked to you. "[Y/N]!" They called out. "Have you seen a man?"
"Man?" You wondered if maybe it was the man you saved.
"He might be pretending to be a man of the Lord and lying about his name. He is Major Benjamin Tallmadge, he serves George Washington, he killed many people including a man of the Lord. He will have a shot, to the chest area."
You took a gulp. "No." You couldn't believe what you said. "No, I haven't. I will keep an eye out, what am I to do when I see him?"
"Kill him."
You felt your blood run cold. "Kill him, understood."
"Oh, and are you better?"
"Still have a small limp but I mean, look at me work."
"Good, Clinton wants you back on the field. See you soon, [Y/N]." The two men handed you a letter from Clinton himself and walked away. The man you saved, killed people and was serving Washington. He was a Major! You finished the field work, you had to think. You realized you liked this guy a lot...but you are a red coat...You made your choice.
You walked inside. He was fully dressed and ready to leave. "I have to go."
"Mr. Copler you can't."
"You know who I am."
"Benjamin." You whispered. "I don't care. I like you, a lot. That sounds wrong and nuts but it's not. I have been called to battle. Take my horse. You can go back to Washington."
"They will find out I was here, [Y/N]."
You looked at him, that was the first time he said your actual name. "Come with me, as a turn coat, please, [Y/N]." Benjamin held your face in his hands, you held his arms.
"I can'" you stop, a tear travels down your face. Benjamin rubs the tear away. He looks deep into [Y/E/C] eyes. "Benjamin..." you whisper.
Benjamin quickly pressed his lips onto yours and you both fell back into the bed. You took his shirt off and yours too. His member showed through his pants. You spent the day in an embrace of passion...
You both lay side by side. "[Y/N]..." he whispers. He leans over and kissed your neck. You smile at him, wide eyed. "Guess I need a new coat." You get up and dressed tossing your red coat on the ground. "I know what I must fight for on the battle field."
You and Benjamin run out the door and mount the horse and the two of you start on your way back to Washington's camp.

[A/N] I hope this was good, I like this one a lot. It's cute. Please give me requests!

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