Chater Ten!

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Holy mother of! This is chapter ten already! OH MAH GAWD!!!

It's so happy and scary and MIXED EMOTIONS!!!




All day was weird. I went back to class today and everyone just stared. It was so weird!

The bell rang and I bolted from the room. This next class was the last and I might actually like this class because it was Cove Ops.

I went down into the sub levels and walked into class. Once again, everyone stared.

I ignored their stares and sat down. All of the sudden a loud laugh filled the room, a laugh I recognized all to well.

"Okay! Yes, for sure! So it's all set then? Perfect! See you then," Greg said, in German I might add, while coming into the room. He hung up the phone and looked at us.

"Hello class!" He said happily.

"Hey," We all said back.

"Wonderful to have you back, Six! Anyways, you should all know that I don't have a teaching education but I consider myself qualified to teach this class! Any questions?" He said.

One guy put up his hand.


"What's your name?" He asked.

Greg laughed again and said, "Oh yes! I forgot you guys don't know me! My name is Greg Goode and yes I am Zach's brother."

Another kid put up his hand and Greg pointed at him.

"I thought you were dead?" Another said confused.

Greg let out a hearty laugh which shocked us all. Usually teachers were so professional and serious. "Why do you all think I was dead?" He asked while laughing.

"You went on a mission and never came back. It was a pretty logical assumption on our part," A kid from before said.

"Valid point Mr-" Greg trailed off asking for his name.

"Grant, sir," Grant said.

"Hmm, Bex's Grant I assume?" I asked him. (A/N: correct me I'd I'm wrong please!)

"How do you know Bex?" Grant asked me.

"You're forgetting something Grant, I was once a Gallagher Girl," I said to him.

"What? You were?" A different kid asked me.

"Enough about me! Back to Greg!" I snapped, losing my patience. Hey, I had been stared at like I was and animal all day. My patience was wearing thin.

"Mr. Goode to you, Six," Greg joked,

"Well, anyways, today I had a lesson planned but it would be better if Six was there without a cast," he stopped and gave me a look. I had gotten the one on my leg off but not the one on my arm yet. The doctor said another two days and it should be fine.

"Today we are going to do, and I think you'll like this Slink, spy tag!" He said excitedly. We all cheered and he gave us out teams.

"Any equipment you own privately is allowed and this is for you. One per team!" We all looked at the table Greg was motioning to. No. Way.

On the table was rope, a harness for repelling/zip line, cameras, and evapo-paper with invisi-ink. We all rushed forwards to grab the stuff.

On my team was Slink, Austin, and I. On Zach's team were Drew and Grant. Then there was four other teams of guys because no White Flag kids were in this class.

You have five minutes until the game begins then another five to set up. After that five is over, me and my team are coming. GO!" He said.

"Wait!" How do we know who your team is?" A kid asked.

"Oh," he said mysteriously, "you'll know!" Just then Gavin and a couple of other seniors walked in.

"Class, meet my team!" He said and all of our jaws dropped.

They couldn't be seniors!! They knew stuff we didn't! It wasn't fair!!

"Quit underestimating yourselves! You'll do fine!" Greg said.

We all stood in shock for a few seconds and he said, "You know your timers still going! Three minutes!"

We all ran out the door and started looking for hiding spots.

"Come on! This way!" I whisper shouted to Slink and Austin. We ran along the hallway and just as all our internal clocks told us time was up, we dove into a secret passageway behind a closet in the hallway.

"This way!" I said and lead the way through the musty hallway that probably hasn't seen light for a century. We reached a fork in the tunnel and I took the left one, the one that leads to the dorms.

I motioned behind me for them to be quiet and moved the grate below my feet to see a dorm room. I shrugged and jumped down, landing softly on the bed. I heard two soft thumps behind me and knew that they were with me.

We left the dorms and headed for my room. I walked in and grabbed some of my spy gear including a belt with some stuff on it that isn't legal in the United States just yet.

"Let's go," I said as I handed them some communication pieces, or comms.

Okay, the object of spy tag is to get as close to the team that is it without getting caught. If you can somehow 'kidnap' a member of the team that's it you get 100 points, every picture is worth 1 point, every fact about them that you find out is worth 5 because they are given new names and occasionally a new fake face. They get a whole new personality. So, in the end whichever teams as the most points wins. It's just a fun game that we all play.

For every minute you are still playing you get awarded 10 points. Hey, it's a hard game!

I heard a thump and Greg's voice say, "You are out! Go back to the classroom and write down your facts. We'll meet you there when the game is over,"

I smirked and thought to myself, let the games begin.


Okay that was really short but I needs to get something up because I haven't for quite a while. Next chapter will be longer!! I'm sorry!!! I'm honestly ashamed at how short this is, *sigh*

The next chapter has spy tag! I'm excited to write it!!!!

But anyways,

Until next time!!


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