Chapter Six

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Quick little Authors note: I do not own any characters from Ally Carters books. I only own Gavin, Slink, Austin, Drew and Agent Six and various others... (figure out who they are for yourself.)

Agent Six's POV.

"Shh!" I whispered to the boys crouched behind me. Austin and Gavin had snuck off to the main office as part of the plan. I looked at my watch and noticed it was 5 in the morning. Perfect timing. 

"1...2...3!" Slink counted down behind me just as Ushers 'Scream' blasted through the PA system scaring the crap out of the boys who were all sleeping. Boys of different ages poured out of the dorm rooms we waited for a few seconds until they were all out of the rooms before we charged out from around the corner yelling battle cries. The formerly sleeping boys looked at us with confusion and drowsiness before they eyes zeroed in on the water baloons and silly string cans in our hands.

They looked around for a way of escape but there was none since we had spread ourselves out enough to cover the exits.

"Ready...Aim...Fire!!" Drew shouted. we all threw our baloons at them and they started running around looking for something to ambush us back with. They finally noticed the pails of water balloons sitting beside them (I belive in a fair fight if it is not an enemy.) and started throwing the balloons back at us. I didn't mind getting wet at all, this was really fun.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!?!?!?!?!?!" A voice bellowed. We all froze and looked at The Boss. A few profanities were muttered under the boys' breath and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"WHO DID THIS?!?!?!?!" He screamed. All of us pointed at different people, I even saw a boy younger than me point to the roof. Suddenly, a water balloon smacked right into Drew's face and we all started laughing, especially me.

"Think this is funny, Six?" He asked me with a devious smile.

I shook my head and slapped my hand over my mouth to prevent him from seeing my smile.

"That's it!" He shouted in mock anger. Before I knew what was happening, he was charging towards me. I looked at him in disbelief, thinking he was bluffing. He bent over slightly and I was soon up with my stomach on his shoulder with him still running. All of the boys that were in the water balloon fight started following us, totally ignoring the fuming teacher behind us.

"Where are we going?" I asked Drew from over his shoulder. 

"That's for me to know and you to find out!" He said and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"You better not drop me." I grumbled.

"Wouldn't dream of it! Plus, you would probably kick my butt if I did." He said.

The boys behind me started smiling like they knew where we were headed. They were also shouting things such as, 'Your dead after this Drew!' and 'She is so going to kill you!' 

I noticed the air around me got slightly colder so I knew we were outside. On my first day here I recalled a fairly large lake on the lawn. My eyes widened as I realized what he was going to do.

"You are so dead Drew!" I screamed and started thrashing around in his arms. I saw the ground below us change to wooden planks, meaning we were on the dock by the lake.

"You can still be saved if you set me down!" I pleaded.

"I'll take the chance!" He said. I looked pleadingly at the guys behind me, who all shook their heads at my misfortune. I stuck my tounge out at them, being the mature person that I am.

"1...2...3!!" The guys all yelled and I felt myself go airborne. I screamed and heard a splash before water surrounded me. I swam to the top and looked at the dock where all the boys were laughing their heads off. I treaded water for a while while waiting for their laughter to subdue.

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