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Hello. It's the author, Sylv, here!

Thank you so much for giving this book a chance. I really appreciate it. I've just become obsessed with the MCU, so I decided to write this, especially since I'm still suffering from Endgame. This is to make it better. I think.

My heart is still shattered from what happened in Endgame though 💔

Anyways! *clears throat*

Basically, the timeline of this story is right after Endgame, but things are different. Tony's in a coma, and not *choke*

Okay yeah, cant even get the word out without tearing up.

So Peter started writing lots of letters to Tony, sending them to the hospital, in hopes that maybe one day he will wake up and get to see them...

It's a bit depressing in the start, but I assure you, things will get better.

And lastly- there is absolutely NO STARKER in here. I strongly dislike that ship, because 1. Its illegal (look at the age difference!) and 2. Their relationship is purely like father and son. Any affection between them is completely father-son relationship, because I'm disgusted with St*rker so I would never write it, sorry to those who do like the ship.


Also, all others that were gone are still gone though. *sobs in Nat*

Anyways, enjoy the story!





If you survive the first chapter.

(NOTE: Steve is not old in this story, he decided to just return the stones and come back. Others who were dead in the movies are still dead in here, except for Tony. ;-; and of course, most of the remaining Avengers now know who Spider-Man is behind that mask.)

Oh yes, and dedications! Dedicated to @solitairecouk for piquing my interest in the MCU in the first place, thereby making me decide to watch some Marvel and falling in love with it. Thank you for pulling me into this fandom, even though I'm now obsessed. ❤️ 

And to charliesdragcn  for being an amazing and supportive bestie. <333

I don't know what I would do without you guys. I love y'all 3000!

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