Day 23

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Dear Mr. Stark,

Am I boring you with all these letters about my life? If so, I'm really really sorry. These letters are like my diary now :') 

Today was relatively normal, a few snide comments from Flash, but otherwise things went okay. 

Pepper still kept the small house you moved into during the Blip, and she and Morgan are still living in it. Morgan is showing lots of interest in your garage, where your stuff have been left mostly untouched, besides some pieces of vibranium Morgan likes to play with. She wanted to touch your tools too, but we don't let her and gave her another set instead. The garage is like a piece of you that we want to hang on to.

Our teacher didn't mention anymore about that field trip, so I'm guessing that it's not gonna happen any sooner. He can be a bit over-cheerful and enthusiastic sometimes. 

I visited your hospital room again. There was like a mountain of flowers stacked outside your room! I hope you're not allergic to pollen. Either way, I moved them out of the way and dumped them in the bathroom of your room, so you should be alright. 

The weather's getting colder, much colder. Don't worry, I'm making sure to wear a lot :) spiders can't thermo-regulate that well.

I know it's a bit early, but I'm already planning what gifts to give everyone for Christmas! Especially for Morgan. Since she probably takes after you with your interest and expertise in tech, I'll get her something related. :)



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