Day 24

180 13 25

Dear Mr. Stark,

Well, I had a bad day. Flash was being especially annoying today- and I finally snapped and accidentally elbowed him hard in the gut. I hope it didn't leave a bruise, but I got detention for that. The worse part is that I had to listen to Captain America's PSA. I swear, if I have to listen to one more of  his damn PSAs, I'll web his shield somewhere where he can't find it for a whole day.

"So, you got detention..." 


Not that Steve's bad, of course, it's just that he's extremely annoying in the PSAs. You should watch them sometime after you wake up, then you'll get what I mean.

Anyways, I finally got around to doing some Spider-Manning today! That certainly was a perk to my day. But I did get hurt... okay, maybe I should leave that part out. All you need to know is that I'm fine right now :)

Oh yeah also, did I mention that Happy is the one driving me school everyday now? He's still grumpy as usual, but maybe a bit more softer now. Yes, you read that right! Happy is occasionally actually happy now! But what's suspicious is that those 'occasions' are on the occasions when he's around aunt May...

Also, I still don't know why he's called Happy??

So yeah, after an exhausting day, I'm completely fine. Except maybe a teeny bit driven insane by Cap's detention PSA playing on loop from detention. Just a teeeeny bit. Nothing to worry about :D

May wants to teach me how to drive on the real road, because so far, I've only driven the car in the parking lot with her. But she's been busy with work, so maybe I should try to teach myself a bit. Don't worry, I'll try not to die!

I still miss you :(



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