Day 7 (letter)

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Good day, Mr. Stark!

I heard the Guardians of the Galaxy are coming today. I'm really excited. Our first encounter on Titan wasn't exactly the best... remember how Mr. Quill had me at gunpoint?


And then we got turned to dust and ashes...

Okay, enough of the negativity. 


Hello, I'm back!

So... I accidentally fell asleep in the middle of writing this letter. I was so tired after patrolling last night, especially since I have a sprained ankle from when I fell from the building. Oops, did I forget to tell you that? Never mind. And then when I woke up... well, long story short, Mr. Rhodes also came over and then I went out to hangout with Ned and MJ. 


Ned thinks that MJ likes me.

I mean, I've had a crush on her for some time. But the thought that she might like me back? That's just wishful thinking.

Or is it?

I probably shouldn't be loading you with your average angsty teenager problems, so I'll change the subject.

The guardians of the galaxy are staying at the compound for a week! I'll finally get to meet and get to know them under better circumstances. They promised to tell me about their adventures in the galaxy.

I'm a bit suspicious to why they're suddenly announcing a one-week stay at the compound... but I suspect it has something to do with me. When i fell asleep on the desk I heard them at the door, watching me.

But don't tell them I knew they were there ;)

Lots of love,


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