Day 16

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Hi Tony!

Things went pretty well at school today. Flash wasn't bothering me as much, me and Ned and MJ got to hang out longer because for once MJ's nose wasn't in a book, and my algebra test... nailed it!

After school I got to spend time with Uncle Bruce! Although he's sort of big and greenish now, he's still really careful with the lab equipment. He also gave me some more complicated questions to do as a challenge, since the stuff at school is too easy. I then worked on perfecting my web formula, although it's already really good. All the cool features and the different web settings in the suit you made me are really cool- and I got KAREN to coach me on how to use them, in the training room.

I played around with some of your notes for the time travelling machine, I hope that's okay with you. More like I added more possible formulas, and played with a hologram to find all the different possibilities and those consequences and outcomes. It's fun. And your notes and ideas are really brilliant- but of course they would be, you're the genius billionaire Tony Stark!

But not only that.

You're also a caring person with a big heart who's just misunderstood- and a father, to both Morgan and I.

But I think everyone finally saw that, that day on the battlefield when you decided to sacrifice yourself.

I saw it myself, Tony- gods, asguardians, high-ranks, heroes, powerful people, even the sorcerer supreme- kneeled before you when you had snapped and was on the brink of death. You're respected. You've always thought so lowly of yourself, even when you have that snarky and arrogant facade- you think that you don't deserve what you have.

But they finally realized what you had, why you're such a great superhero- they finally saw what I had seen since the beginning, and what Pepper saw in you too. Who you really are, just hidden on the inside.

A true hero.

Some of us heroes are still only human, so we all have flaws. Nobody's perfect. Perhaps everyone only saw the flawed part of you before- but now they see the truth, the amount of times you thought you had to sacrifice yourself and went with it alone is enough proof.

You finally proved to the world- proof that Tony Stark has a heart.

It probably sounds weird, but I'm proud of you.

You also told me to take pride in myself sometimes too.


Are you proud of me?





Wow that was a deep chapter I just wrote OwO

Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying this stuff :') 

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