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"You know her san?" Seonghwa ask san who was shocked to see the smily old woman sipping from cup.

"Yh.." he takes a step towards the woman.

"Why are you here and how do you know?" San was genuinely confused.

The woman points them to take a seat which they did.

Then she started turning serious but her eyes soften as they fall on seonghwa.

"How are you my child?" Seonghwa eyes widen as well.

"I, I am good? Thank you. What about you?" Seonghwa ask.

"Oh! You will know too soon but for now." The woman turn to look at san again.

"I am here to meet the omega and give him, his possession I have."



"He was your wolf right? Why aren't you answering me?" Yeosang ask once again and takes a step in hopes to grab wooyoung hands in his, but wooyoung takes a step back. Looking away, face emotionless.


"Don't try to deny it, wooyoung. I know It was your wolf. Just tell me what happen-"

All of you in living room right now!!

San mind-link them all even wooyoung.

And that's lead them all to the living room.

The woman smiles looking at wooyoung as he comes after yeosang.

She walks up to wooyoung. She smile kindly as she cups wooyoung delicate face.

"Your too much handsome then I imagine, young man."

San ignores this all. He felt some feelings inside him but ignore.them as well.

He felt annoyed.

"You call alpha?" Mrs.choi ask but her eyes widen for a moment seeing the woman.

Woman face hardened for a sec before returning to normal as she turns to the omega and seonghwa.

"I have something your parents left for me to give to you when the time comes. And..I think the time has come now."

Then she turns to san.

"Let me show you a story." She turns to everyone in the room looking shocked at her.

"All of you, this time."


(A/n: reminder: now everything what will be described is what they are all seeing and most importantly this is past story.)

Purple rose falls on the ground of the beautiful garden.

Two hands stops just inches away as eyes met.

The girl was about to run when the boy grab her wrist and make her look at him.

"At least, tell me what's your name?"

"My name?" The boy nods slowly enhanced by the omega's beauty.

"You don't have to know." The girl shrug the boy hand and runs.

Boy stay their stunned looking at where the beauty has just disappear.


"I fucking love her, jon! You wouldn't understand it!"

"My majesty, I totally don't understand but if you love that girl this much then why don't you marry her?" The young and blind handsome gasp and looks at his servant, his personal butler jon who is a 37 old man taking acre of person since the prince was born.

"Great idea! Jon! I will talk with my parents." The prince walks to the door of his room but stop when realization hit him. He pouts little and frown and turns back to his servant.

"But... I don't even know her name, jon.." the prince slukingly falls on his neat king sized bed. Half up, half on ground.

"Then, why don't you go and meet her again? Your majesty."

The prince sit up with a gasp.

"That's it! I will go and see her again. Aw~w~w~~ I love you, I love you jon!! Your the best!!" The prince kiss his servant cheek and runs away leaving a smily jon behind who shakes his head.

"Aish.. this kid."


the prince run all the way to the garden barely missing people but everyone loves the prince and seen their strong, alpha, handsome, young prince like this was indeed a sight to be seen.

When the prince reach the garden he was out of breath. He straightened himself, clears his throat, run a hand through his hairs and walks inside masking his calm prince aura again.

But to his luck, he didn't find the omega their. The prince was sad amd pouty with a mall frown on his handsome. He thought of going back.

Just as he turns the corner,

Their eyes met.

Purple rose fell from those pale delicate hands on ground as they both travels to the open mouth of their owner who just had gasp seeing the prince their again.

The omega turns to run but stop when by the young alpha voice.

"Wait! Don't go!"

The ethereal Omega looks over her shoulder while her hands holding her beautiful flowery white dress. Her black hairs moving by wind like they own the whole place.

The alpha could see the side of the omega's beautiful ethereal face behind her black hairs and over her delicate shoulder fame.

"Say." That..voice.

It was so short, so soothing like music to alpha's ear.

"I- I just wanted to know this angel name's. Is that too much to ask, this angel?" The prince ask politely and like a gentleman he is.

"This angel here name is forbidden to tell. Mind tell this poor citizen, what an honour it brings for a prince to come and ask this simple citizen name?" The omega still in her same position only for the alpha wanting to see that face more.

"This prince is just a stranger to this new world of mystery this simple citizen has pull him inside. Is it soo wrong of the victim to ask the name of the culprit who bring him here?"

The alpha could see the small smile through those black hairs on that beautiful ethereal face.

"This stranger is quite good for someone to be a new one to this world." The girl turns not fully but this much so the alpha could see her delicate, ethereal face.

"Tarisha. This simple citizen forbidden name is tarisha."

An award winning smile appears on the prince face. He watches as the girl now he knows the name tarisha shakes her head with a smile and runs away.

"Sam!!" The girl stops.

"Sam. That's my name."


So...now maybe you guys have a tiny little idea of what's gonna happen.

So, please share your thoughts.

And..their story is still continue so, don't get confused.

And if you have any questions, ask away.


1072 words.

Broken Moon~~- woosan (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now