Chapter 6

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Emilie woke up before JJ the next morning, which was rare, checking the time on her phone it read 8:23am. She went downstairs to grab Advil and a glass of water, assuming the blonde boy in her bed would be hungover. She tried shaking him awake, "Babe," she said.

"Heller?" She tried again.

"JJ," she said a little louder, poking his cheek.

"JJ Maybank?"

When nothing worked she sat the water and Advil on her bedside table. She straddled him smothering his face with kisses, she knew he was awake when she made her way to his lips and he kissed back. He placed his hands on her hips, "What a lovely way to wake up." He said smiling a little.

"How are you feeling?" Emilie asked.

"Like, I got hit by a bus."He replied groaning and sitting up slightly.

She gave him the water, "Drink" she told him.

After he took a few sips she gave him the Advil and he took it.

"Are you hungry?" Emilie asked him.

"I could eat." He replied

"Okay, you go shower and I'll make breakfast."

"Okay." He said as she got off of him and left the room.

She was in the kitchen trying to think of something to make when her father walked in.

"Good morning" he greeted.

"Morning" Emilie replied.

"How was you sleep"

"Fine," she said, "I don't know what to make"

"Make French toast" he suggested

"I'll try," she said knowing her cooking abilities weren't the greatest.

Her father was leaving the kitchen as JJ walked in with damp hair. "Hey M.Bassett." JJ said. Her father stopped and gave him a death stare, "How many times have I told you, M.Bassett makes me sound old. Don't call me that."

"Sorry, M.Bass-" he cut himself off, "Steve."

Her father left the room and JJ walked over to the confused girl trying to read the directions for French toast.

"Sup" JJ said hugging her from behind.

"I am confusion," she told him.

"What don't your understand?" He asked looking at the recipe over her shoulder.

"I don't know" she replied, "It's just not making any sense to me."

"Dude, it's so easy," he said letting go of her and grabbing the recipe.

"Bro, what the fuck is three slash four cups?" she asked pulling out all of the measuring cups. "It doesn't exist."

"That's three," he held up the quarter cup, "quarter cups."

"I can do it for you miss Emilie," the voice of her butler Bailywick echoes from behind them  he only comes once a week to clean but sometimes he cooks. "No that's okay, we can do it," she told him.

"No, I insist," shooing the two teens into the living room.

They sat in the living room trying to find something to watch, "13 reasons why?" JJ suggests.

"No," Emilie says, "The cat in the hat?"

"We watched that the other day,"

"Little house on the prairie?"

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